
|RATE_ID|DESCRIPTION|CHARGE|FROM_DATE             |TO_DATE               |
|1      |small      |100   |01/01/2014 12:00:00 AM|31/03/2014 12:00:00 AM|
|2      |mediam     |200   |01/04/2014 12:00:00 AM|04/04/2014 12:00:00 AM|
|3      |big        |300   |05/04/2014 12:00:00 AM|31/12/2014 12:00:00 AM|

Let the above a sample table of charges within a date range, I will have an input like
start_date = to_date('30/mar/2014','dd/mon/yyyy') and
end_date = to_date('05/apr/2014','dd/mon/yyyy').

So the input dates included in two days of charge 100 (rate_id = 1), 4 days of charge 200 and 1 day of charge 300 and a total of 1300.

Is there any simple method to find the number of days existing in the given range so that I can count the total_charge. As currently I am using PL/SQL for the above using loop to find the existence.

As a whole : from the input,

30 and 31st march belongs to small(100 charge) => 100* 2 = 200
1, 2, 3, 4 of april belongs to medium( 200 charge) => 200*4 = 800
5th april belongs to big ( 300 charge) => 300*1  = 300
the total:= 200 + 800 + 300 = 1300

Thanks in advance.

Это было полезно?


You can use CONNECT BY to generate the list of days between end and start date and join this list with the list of rates:

with v_days as (
  SELECT TRUNC (to_date('2014-04-05', 'YYYY-MM-DD') - ROWNUM + 1) dt
  CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= (to_date('2014-04-05', 'YYYY-MM-DD') + 1 -
      to_date('2014-03-30', 'YYYY-MM-DD'))  
v_rates as (
  select 1 rate_id, 'small' rate,  100 charge, 
    to_date('2014-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') start_date, 
    to_date('2014-03-31', 'YYYY-MM-DD') end_date 
  from dual union all
  select 2 rate_id, 'medium' rate, 200 charge, 
    to_date('2014-04-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') start_date,  
    to_date('2014-04-04', 'YYYY-MM-DD') end_date from dual 
  union all
  select 3 rate_id, 'big' rate,    300 charge, 
    to_date('2014-04-05', 'YYYY-MM-DD') start_date, 
    to_date('2014-12-31', 'YYYY-MM-DD') end_date from dual
select sum(charge) as total_charge from (
  select d.*, r.* from v_days d
  join v_rates r on d.dt >= r.start_date and d.dt <= r.end_date
  order by d.dt


  • v_days generates the list of days between the start and end date (one row per day)
  • v_rates simply contains the rates you've given
  • we then join these two subqueries - a given date belongs to a rate if it is between the start and end date of the rate
  • at last, we just sum the charges to get the total charge

Другие советы

The DATEDIFF() function returns the time between two dates.

SELECT DATEDIFF(day,'01-01-2014','31-03-2014') AS DiffDate

And consider the date format to get the correct result.

Please refer below link for further information http://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_datediff.asp

select sum(case
             when trunc(&start_date) <= trunc("to_date") AND
                  trunc(&end_date) >= trunc(from_date) then
              (least(trunc(&end_date), trunc("to_date")) -
              greatest(trunc(&start_date), trunc(from_date)) + 1) * charge
           end) total_charge
  from your_table;

The most simple approach is to find if your start_date and end_date cross the borders of specific period (when part in the case), then calculate the difference between two dates which gives you number of days (+1 is needed, consider if start date and end date are same, you still need to charge for 1 day) and then multiply it by respective charge.

If the table with date ranges is large then consider moving case condition to where:

select sum((least(trunc(&end_date), trunc("to_date")) -
           greatest(trunc(&start_date), trunc(from_date)) + 1)
            * charge) total_charge
  from your_table
 where trunc(&start_date) <= trunc("to_date")
   AND trunc(&end_date) >= trunc(from_date);

You would rather not use column name "TO_DATE" as long as there is conversion function with the same name.

with w as (
  select 100 charge, date '2014-01-01' from_date, date '2014-03-31' to_date from dual union all
  select 200 charge, date '2014-04-01' from_date, date '2014-04-04' to_date from dual union all
  select 300 charge, date '2014-04-05' from_date, date '2014-12-31' to_date from dual
x as (
    date '2014-03-30' start_period,
    date '2014-04-05'   end_period
  w.charge * 
    case when x.start_period <= w.  to_date and
              x.  end_period >= w.from_date
       case when x.end_period > w.to_date
            then w.to_date
            else x.end_period
       case when x.start_period < w.from_date 
            then w.from_date
            else x.start_period
)   result
  w cross join x;

AND TO_DATE(SYSDATE,'dd/mm/yyyy') BETWEEN TO_DATE(SYSDATE,'dd/mm/yyyy') AND TO_DATE(END_DATE,'dd/mm/yyyy') AND TO_DATE(START_DATE,'dd/mm/yyyy') <= TO_DATE(SYSDATE,'dd/mm/yyyy');

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