
I am new to windows server. I just installed DNS on windows 2012 server. Here is how it appeared after installing

DNS Srver

Then i went to DNS manager. I created a new Forward Primary zone and reverse zone. Here is the screen shot

Forward Reverse Zones

Then i created the record (A, MX, CNAME). Here are the screen shots of each



Name Server:

Name Server

A Record:

A Record

MX Record:

MX Record



Reverse lookup Zone:

Reverse Lookup Zone

After all that when i do nslookup, then i get Default Server: Unknown. Why ? Why i am getting unknown server


Why i am getting unknown ?


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You did all correct, but you dont mentioned are you restart DNS service after that? After restart its working fine for me.

From the quick google research it seems to be a reverse PTR record issue. Try recreating the PTR record. Here is a NSLookup Unknown troubleshooting for a bit older version. This might work for Server 2012 as well.

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