

set :output, 'log/cron.log'

every 1.minutes do
  rake 'reports:generate'

When I run crontab -l I get the following output:

* * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd <path-to-app> bundle exec rake reports:generate --silent >> log/cron.log 2>&1'

First off, it seems to use my system ruby which is 1.8.7, is there a way to change this?

Secondly, the task is not run, but the only thing that shows up in my cron.log is the following:

Your Ruby version is 1.8.7, but your Gemfile specified 2.0.0

I've tried puts to the log with no success, so I have basically no idea what's going on. It seems the task is being initiated, but then fails without anything being written to the log. I have no idea how to go about debugging this, so please help.

I'm on OS X, and my application is running on Sinatra.

edit: I'm using rbenv to manage my ruby versions, so I guess I have to tell the cron job to load rbenv somehow? When I cd into the app's folder and run ruby -v I get

ruby 2.0.0p353 (2013-11-22 revision 43784) [x86_64-darwin12.5.0]
Это было полезно?


It seems the problem was with rbenv, and not necessarily sinatra or whenever. This solved my problem:

command "cd #{Dir.pwd} && RACK_ENV=#{environment} rbenv exec bundle exec rake reports:generate"

By adding rbenv exec we successfully loaded the correct ruby version before running the rake task.

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