
Simply, the data looks like this:

ID | Value | Test | Score | 
1  | 30    | a    | b     |
1  | 40    | c    | d     |
2  | 30    | d    | a     |
2  | 40    | e    | c     |

... for 130,000 lines. The value is always 30 or 40, i'd like to replace the 40, Test, and Score and put it in the row with 30 to look like this.

ID | Value | Test | Score |    |   |   |
1  | 30    | a    | b     | 40 | c | d |
2  | 30    | d    | a     | 40 | e | c |

I can't seem to wrap my head around the offset-pasting of values. I've tried with Select.Copy,etc -and I have read nothing but bad things about going that route due to performance issues. Any help would be appreciative!

Thanks, Dan

EDIT: Update -- So I've got it to work, but it will only go through 40 rows before I receive an overflow error. I know this is not optimized or at all the best way to do this - but it was the only thing I could do to figure it out. any input GREATLY appreciative.

I found out that there are a few instances where only 1 ID exists, thus I am checking to see if there are two IDs, if so - copy/paste, otherwise continue to the next row.

Sub Macro4()

' Macro4 Macro
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Application.CutCopyMode = False

Dim r As Integer, ID As Integer, validation As Integer
r = 5

While r < 400
ID = Cells(r, 1).Value
Selection.Value = ID

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=countifs(C[-22],RC[-1])"

validation = Selection.Value
If validation > 1 Then
Cells(r + 1, 8).Select
Range(Selection, Cells(r + 1, 11)).Select
Cells(r, 12).Select
r = r + 2
End If

If validation = 1 Then
        r = r + 1
End If

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
Это было полезно?

Решение 2

I got it to work by changing:

Dim r As Integer, ID As Integer, validation As Integer


Dim r As Integer, ID as Double, validation As Integer

I read somewhere that double holds significantly larger values -- appreciate all the help, regardless!

Другие советы

Assuming ID is in A1, formulae should do it:

in E2 40
in F2 =C3
in G2 =D3

Copy down to suit (ensure 40 does not autoincrement), Select F:G, Paste Special, Values... over the top, filter to select 40 in ColumnB and delete selected rows.

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