
I am trying to find all permutations where n balls are spread into m buckets. I am approaching it through recursion but I am confused on what I should recurse n on since n could decrease by any numbers... (I am recursing on m-1) Any thoughts on how to do this with a functional language approach?

There's a solution in C++ but I don't understand C++. List of combinations of N balls in M boxes in C++

Это было полезно?


There is no need to generate redundant results. The following code is a bit ugly, but it does the job :

let ( <|> ) s e = 
  let rec aux s e res = 
    if e - s < 0 then res
    else aux (s + 1) e (s :: res) in
  List.rev (aux s e [])

let rec generate n m =
  let prepend_x l x = List.map (fun u -> x::u) l in
  if m = 1 then [[n]] 
    let l = List.map (fun p -> prepend_x (generate (n - p) (m - 1)) p) (0 <|> n) in
    List.concat l

The idea is simply that you want all lists of the form p::u with u in generate (n - p) (m - 1), with p ranging over 0..n

Другие советы

let flatten_tail l =
  let rec flat acc = function
    | [] -> List.rev acc
    | hd::tl -> flat (List.rev_append hd acc) tl
  flat [] l

let concat_map_tail f l =
  List.rev_map f l |> List.rev |> flatten_tail

let rm_dup l =
  if List.length l = 0 then l
    let sl = List.sort compare l in
    List.fold_left (
      fun (acc, e) x -> if x <> e then x::acc, x else acc,e
    ) ([List.hd sl], List.hd sl) (List.tl sl) |> fst |> List.rev

(* algorithm starts from here *)
let buckets m =
  let rec generate acc m =
    if m = 0 then acc
    else generate (0::acc) (m-1)
  generate [] m

let throw_1_ball bs =
  let rec throw acc before = function
    | [] -> acc
    | b::tl -> 
      let new_before = b::before in
      let new_acc = (List.rev_append before ((b+1)::tl))::acc in
      throw new_acc new_before tl
  throw [] [] bs

let throw_n_ball n m = 
  let bs = buckets m in
  let rec throw i acc =
    if i = 0 then acc
    else throw (i-1) (concat_map_tail throw_1_ball acc |> rm_dup)
  throw n [bs]

Above is the correct code, it is scary because I added several utility functions and make things as tail-recursive as possible. But the idea is very simple.

Here is the algorithm:

  1. Let's say we have 3 buckets, initially it is [0;0;0].
  2. If we throw 1 ball into the 3 buckets, we have 3 cases each of which is a snapshot of the buckets, i.e., [[1;0;0];[0;1;0];[0;0;1]].
  3. Then if we have 1 more ball, for each case above, we will 3 cases, so the resulting case list have 9 cases
  4. Then if we have 1 more ball, .....

In this way, we will generate 3^n cases and many of them may be redundant.

So when generated each case list, we just remove all duplicates in the case list.

 utop # throw_n_ball 3 2;;
- : int list list = [[0; 3]; [1; 2]; [2; 1]; [3; 0]]   

utop # throw_n_ball 5 3;;
- : int list list = [[0; 0; 5]; [0; 1; 4]; [0; 2; 3]; [0; 3; 2]; [0; 4; 1]; [0; 5; 0]; [1; 0; 4];[1; 1; 3]; [1; 2; 2]; [1; 3; 1]; [1; 4; 0]; [2; 0; 3]; [2; 1; 2]; [2; 2; 1]; [2; 3; 0]; [3; 0; 2]; [3; 1; 1]; [3; 2; 0]; [4; 0; 1]; [4; 1; 0]; [5; 0; 0]]  
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