
I have two custom server variables that I can see on ASP page:
How can I retrieve these data on a JSP page when redirected from a classic ASP page? I don't want to use query string or form.


ASP Page

  ' Send redirect
  Call Response.Redirect("yourjspURL?ssouserid=" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_SSOUSERID"))

JSP Page

    String sso = request.getParameter("ssouserid");
Это было полезно?


I think you pull headers in like this;

<%= request.getHeader("HTTP_ONE") %>

Remember though you will need to manually set these headers in your classic asp response before the redirect is called. Something like;

' Pass-through two custom headers before response is sent.
Call Response.AddHeader("HTTP_ONE", Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_ONE"))
Call Response.AddHeader("HTTP_TWO", Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_TWO"))
' Send response
Call Response.Redirect("yourjspurl")


After realising this wouldn't work due to the server sending a HTTP 301 Found to the client the only thing I can suggest is passing the header values as a querystring

Call Response.Redirect("yourjspurl?http_one=" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_ONE"))
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