WSO2 ESB - start multiple instance of ESB with different port(receiving/listening port) from single installation of WSO2 ESB


  •  19-10-2022
  •  | 


Is it possible to start multiple instance of WSO2 ESB with different port configuration for each instance but from single installation of WSO2 ESB?

Like we do with tomcat (CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE).

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AFAIK OOTB you can't start multiple instances of WSO2 ESB (or any Carbon based products) from a single installation as now.

But you can simply have multiple server installations (just unzip to to multiple folders). And run the server with -DportOffset option as follows,

$sh <CARBON_HOME>/bin/ -DportOffset=1

(Or use bat file if you are in windows)

Or if you want persist the port offset, you can open <CARBON_HOME>/repository/conf/carbon.xml file then search for tag <Offset> and set a port offset as follows,


And run the server with as usual (without the port offset option),

$sh <CARBON_HOME>/bin/



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