
I have two databases on the same Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP1) - 10.50.2550.0 (X64)
The CIKK table merge replicated. There is a same FULL text indexes on both. All of the indexes (Full text also) are the same.

I run the same query on both

select cikkszam 
from cikk 
where delstatus=1 
and webmegjel=1 
and contains(*,'"spi*"')

On the master database it takes 120 sec. on the Slave database it takes 0 sec. The results are the same. The problems is the query plan. On the slow one, firstly uses an indexes (delstatus, webmegjel) and the result set is checked with the full text index. On the fast one it does the opposite.

A saved the query plans and the statistic plans also, but Stackoverflow only allow 2 links, so here the sqlplans. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zvcizijn1yxlrvj/plan1.sqlplan https://www.dropbox.com/s/4yi0c1q2ly8spsk/plan2.sqlplan

What can be the solution to this?

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