
So I'm running an external command in powershell to pipe mysqldump.exe output into a .sql file.

& "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin\mysqldump.exe" @arguments | Out-File -Encoding utf8 $backupFilePath\$database.sql

Firstly, the file came out in UCS2 encoding. I managed to work out that you can set the encoding on the Out-File command to be -Encoding utf8. But it puts on a Byte Order Mark. Is there any way to explicitly specify that you do not want the Byte Order Mark?

I tried converting the file using WriteAllLines, but this database .sql file output is 3GB in size, and it smashes the memory.

Any thoughts?

Нет правильного решения

Другие советы

Function Out-FileUtf8NoBom {

    [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)] [string] $LiteralPath,
    [switch] $Append,
    [switch] $NoClobber,
    [AllowNull()] [int] $Width,
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $InputObject

  [Environment]::CurrentDirectory = $PWD
  $LiteralPath = [IO.Path]::GetFullPath($LiteralPath)

  if ($NoClobber -and (Test-Path $LiteralPath)) { 
    Throw [IO.IOException] "The file '$LiteralPath' already exists."

  $sw = New-Object IO.StreamWriter $LiteralPath, $Append

  $htOutStringArgs = @{}
  if ($Width) {
    $htOutStringArgs += @{ Width = $Width }

  try {
    $Input | Out-String -Stream @htOutStringArgs | % { $sw.WriteLine($_) }
  } finally {


Function FixEncoding([string] $path)
    [IO.SearchOption] $option = [IO.SearchOption]::AllDirectories;
    [String[]] $files = [IO.Directory]::GetFiles((Get-Item $path).FullName, '*.*', $option);
    foreach($file in $files)
        "Converting $file...";
        Get-Content $file | Out-FileUtf8NoBom $file

You can use it as FixEncoding("C:\path\to\files\")

Лицензировано под: CC-BY-SA с атрибуция
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