
I am trying to write a stored procedure for the following requirements. I couldn't frame that. Can you please help me with that?

Getting the current date and formatting it

  Declare @currentdate varchar(30)
  set @currentdate = convert(Varchar(20), getdate()-1, 101)
  print @currentdate

Getting DayofMonth and EndofMonth from DimDate

  Declare @dayofmonth int
  Declare @endofmonth varchar(20)
  select @dayofmonth = DayofMonth, @endofmonth = EndofMonthDateKey from DimDate
  where datekey = @currentdate

Getting HierMonthEndKey

    declare @hiermonthendkey int
    select @hiermonthendkey = MAX(HierMonthEndKey) from DimHospiceHiearchy
     where HierMonthEndKey <= @currentdate+1

    Declare @day

For Loop

     Declare @i int = 0
      declare @startdate varchar(20)
       select @startdate = CAST(CAST(YEAR(convert(Varchar(20), getdate()-1, 101)) AS          VARCHAR(4)) 
      + '/' + CAST(MONTH(convert(Varchar(20), getdate()-1, 101)) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '/01'    AS DATETIME)+1

     While @i <=@dayofmonth

       set @startdate = @startdate+@i
       Call 01_0_03_MA(@startdate,@hiermonthendkey)
         set @i = @i+1

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