
I wrote a stack before. Basically, I had two classes, Node and Stack. This stack can just push, pop and check the head of the stack. The code is shown below:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template<class Datatype>
class Node
            next = NULL;
            prev = NULL;
        Node* getNext()
            return next;
        Node* getPrev()
            return prev;
        Datatype* getData()
            return &data;
        void changeNext()
            next = NULL;
        void changeNext(Node& nextNode)
            next = &nextNode;
        void changePrev()
            prev = NULL;
        void changePrev(Node& prevNode)
            prev = &prevNode;
        Node* addNext(Node &);
        Node* addPrev(Node &);
        void nodeDel();
        void addData(Datatype &);
        Node* next;
        Node* prev;
        Datatype data;

template<class Datatype>
class Stack
        Stack() : head( NULL )

        int push(Datatype &);
        int pop(Datatype &);
        Datatype* peek();
        Node<Datatype> *head;

template <class Datatype>
Node<Datatype>* Node<Datatype>::addNext(Node<Datatype>& exi_node)
    if (exi_node.getNext() == NULL)
        Node* next = exi_node.getNext();
        next -> changePrev(*this);
    return &exi_node;

template <class Datatype>
Node<Datatype>* Node<Datatype>::addPrev(Node<Datatype>& exi_node)
    if (exi_node.getPrev() == NULL)
        Node* prev = exi_node.getPrev();
        prev -> changeNext(*this);
    return &exi_node;

template<class Datatype>
void Node<Datatype>::nodeDel()
    if (prev == NULL && next == NULL)
    else if (prev == NULL)
        Node* next = getNext();
        next -> changePrev();
    else if (next == NULL)
        Node* prev = getPrev();
        prev -> changeNext();
        Node* next = getNext();
        Node* prev = getPrev();
        next -> changePrev(*prev);
        prev -> changeNext(*next);  
    delete this;

template <class Datatype>
void Node<Datatype>::addData(Datatype &new_data)
    data = new_data;

template <class Datatype>
int Stack<Datatype>::push(Datatype &new_data)
    Node<Datatype> *pt_node = new Node<Datatype>;
    if (pt_node == NULL)
        return -1;

    pt_node -> addData(new_data);

    if (head == NULL)
        head = pt_node;
        pt_node -> addPrev(*head);
        head = pt_node;

    cout << *(head -> getData()) << endl;

    return 0;

template <class Datatype>
int Stack<Datatype>::pop(Datatype &pop_data)
    if (head == NULL)
        return 0;

    pop_data = *(head -> getData());

    if (head -> getNext() == NULL)
        delete head;
        head = NULL;
        Node<Datatype>* temp = head;
        head = head -> getNext();
        delete temp;

    return 1;

template <class Datatype>
Datatype* Stack<Datatype>::peek()
    return (this->head)->getData();

It's a pretty simple stack. The Stack class has some interface for users and also a pointer points to the first Node. Node class has two pointers pointing to both direction and also a data field. Now, I want to add a function to my Stack, which is to find the min value in the stack within O(1). One method is to add a field "local_min" in Node class, which records the minimum value beneath itself. In this way, pop(), push(), find_min() can all be done in O(1). My intuition is to have inheritance of both Node and Stack, because I only need to add a new function. However, I feel this very inconvenient. I have to rewrite almost all the functions. The pointer in both Node and Stack pointed to class Node. If I use a new class, like New_Node, all the thing has to be changed. Are there any good ways for me to do this extension? I really feel like inheritance should be working well here. However, I cannot figure it out.

Это было полезно?


Your Stack is not written in a way that facilitates clean OO re-use: you haven't got a virtual destructor, and the member functions that derived types may wish to override aren't virtual either (specifically push and pop). So, it is cleaner to write a new class that uses Composition - storing a Stack object as a data member. Then there's no need to change Node - you can just add a Stack<Node*> to your StackWithMin class, and push/pop an extra Node* only when the data Stack pushes/pops a Node that changes the min. For example, after pushing 3, 7, 5, 2, 3, your StackWithMin data members would be:

Stack<Data>   Stack<Node*>
[0] 3         &[0]
[1] 7         &[3]
[2] 5
[3] 2
[4] 3

This encodes that the current min is at &[3], and if a pop removes that element then it should be popped from the Stack<Node*> too.

Separately, Node is a supporting type for Stack, and the definition need not be offered as part of the client-facing interface. To hide it, consider putting it in a namespace called something like Stack_Private, Stack_Support or Stack_Implementation so that clients know not to use, then you can reasonably make it a struct and get/set the data members directly instead of using accessor functions - that will make your code less verbose.

Другие советы

Sometimes in these situations you should use non-template base class. This base class can implement all functions which aren't depend of a given data type.

class Node
    Node() : _next(nullptr), _prev(nullptr) {
    Node* getNext() {
        return _next;
    Node* getPrev() {
        return _prev;
    void setNext(Node *node) {
        _next = node;
    void setPrev(Node *node) {
        _prev = node;
    Node* _next;
    Node* _prev;

template <typename Value>
class NodeWithType : public Node
    NodeWithType() : Node() {
    const Value& getValue() const {
        return _value;
    void setValue(const Value &value) {
        _value = value;

    Value _value;

Now, the stack class can use the value independent interface. This simplifies everything.

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