Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [Client] SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: object has no 'iId' property

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22173191

  •  03-06-2023
  •  | 


I'm trying to query a SOAP API and am receiving the above error. If I was to take a guess I'd say it's relative to this snippet from my wsdl file...

<!-- User authentication -->

    <element name="UserAuthentication">
                <element name="iId" type="xsd:int" />
                <element name="sPassword" type="xsd:string" />
                <element name="sType" type="api:UserType" />

In getSoapResults() - do you have any idea where I'd put 'iId'? In fact, I'm not even sure what 'iId' relates to at this point, other than an integer of course.

public function getSoapResults() {

    $this->client = new SoapClient("http://api.example.com/v2/Example?wsdl");
    $this->header = new SoapHeader('http://api.example.com/', 'sAPIKey', '*************');

    $oRefineByDefinition = new stdClass();
    $oRefineByDefinition->sId = 1203;
    $oRefineByDefinition->sName = '';
    $oRefineBy->oRefineByDefinition = $oRefineByDefinition;

    $aParams7 = array(
            "sQuery"        =>     "jeans",
            "bAdult"        =>  0,
            "iOffset"       =>  0,
            "iLimit"        =>  30,
            "oActiveRefineByGroup"  =>  $oRefineBy,
            "sColumnToReturn"   =>  array("sDescription","sBrand"));

   // print '<pre>';print_r($aParams7); die;

    $products = $this->client->getProductList($aParams7);


I've tried adding it to the '$aParams' array but this doesn't work.

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