
I have a custom store site that uses a set of rules (7 to be more precise) to locate parts for the user when he/she presses the buy button. Some of these rules are something like:

  • Look for first seller on the same state, city and district as the consumer (only one seller per district is allowed)
  • If the seller above doesn't have the part, get a seller of the same group as the one above and is on the same city
  • If the above seller doesn't have the part, get a seller that is on the same city
  • and so on...

I've worked out a series of queries and got about 300 lines of SQL (formatted for easy reading) in a giant union of each rule wapped in with a top to bring only the first result found.

I'm not sure if this is the better thing to do or is it better to do 7 conditional round trips in sequence checking if the later one has the result before calling the next one.

I estimate that the majority of users will fall through rule 4, thats 4 round trips to SQL Server, just to get a part and the result of the giant union query returns in less than a second in a less than 100,000 parts table.

Problem is, if this site begins to grow up in therms of available parts and users would it be better to leave SQL Server handle the work with the giant query that returns only what I need in 1 trip or is it better to call separate queries?

We are using classic ASP for this job (Yeah! Old school, you know?) if this would be relevant in any case.

Let me know if you need to take a look at the query itself.


Just for conclusion, here is the query I'm using now:

SELECT TOP 1 regras.ids, regras.idCadastro, regras.regra, e.descricao AS nomeEstado, cd.descricao AS nomeCidade, b.nome AS nomeBairro
    SELECT dbo.group_concat(idPecaItem) AS ids, idCadastro, '1' AS regra 
    FROM ( 
        SELECT TOP 2 idPecaItem, idCadastro 
        FROM pecasItens 
        WHERE COALESCE(pecasItens.idCadastro, 0) = (CASE WHEN EXISTS( 
            SELECT TOP 1 COALESCE(pi.idCadastro, 0) 
            FROM pecasItens pi  
            LEFT JOIN cadastros c ON pi.idCadastro = c.idCadastro 
            WHERE (pi.idCadastro IS NULL OR c.tipoParceiro = 'c') AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
            GROUP BY pi.idCadastro 
            HAVING COUNT(pi.idPecaItem) >= 2
        ) THEN ( 
            SELECT TOP 1 COALESCE(pi.idCadastro, 0) 
            FROM pecasItens pi  
            LEFT JOIN cadastros c ON pi.idCadastro = c.idCadastro 
            WHERE (pi.idCadastro IS NULL OR c.tipoParceiro = 'c') AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
            GROUP BY pi.idCadastro 
            HAVING COUNT(pi.idPecaItem) >= 2
        ) ELSE NULL END) 
         AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
    ) regra1 
    GROUP BY idCadastro


    SELECT dbo.group_concat(idPecaItem) AS ids, idCadastro, '2' AS regra 
    FROM ( 
        SELECT TOP 2 idPecaItem, idCadastro 
        FROM pecasItens 
        WHERE COALESCE(pecasItens.idCadastro, 0) = (CASE WHEN EXISTS( 
            SELECT TOP 1 COALESCE(pi.idCadastro, 0) 
            FROM pecasItens pi  
            LEFT JOIN cadastros c ON pi.idCadastro = c.idCadastro AND c.tipoParceiro = 'r' AND c.idCadastroGrupo = 1
            WHERE pi.idCadastro IS NOT NULL  AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
            GROUP BY pi.idCadastro 
            HAVING COUNT(pi.idPecaItem) >= 2
        ) THEN ( 
            SELECT TOP 1 COALESCE(pi.idCadastro, 0) 
            FROM pecasItens pi  
            LEFT JOIN cadastros c ON pi.idCadastro = c.idCadastro AND c.tipoParceiro = 'r' AND c.idCadastroGrupo = 1
            WHERE pi.idCadastro IS NOT NULL  AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
            GROUP BY pi.idCadastro 
            HAVING COUNT(pi.idPecaItem) >= 2
        ) ELSE NULL END) 
         AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
    ) regra2 
    GROUP BY idCadastro 


    SELECT dbo.group_concat(idPecaItem) AS ids, idCadastro, '3' AS regra 
    FROM ( 
        SELECT TOP 2 idPecaItem, idCadastro 
        FROM pecasItens 
        WHERE COALESCE(pecasItens.idCadastro, 0) = (CASE WHEN EXISTS( 
            SELECT TOP 1 COALESCE(pi.idCadastro, 0) 
            FROM pecasItens pi  
            LEFT JOIN cadastros c ON pi.idCadastro = c.idCadastro AND c.tipoParceiro = 'r' AND c.idCadastroGrupo = 1
            INNER JOIN cadastrosCidades cc ON c.idCadastro = cc.idCadastro AND cc.idCidade = 4850
            WHERE pi.idCadastro IS NOT NULL  AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
            GROUP BY pi.idCadastro 
            HAVING COUNT(pi.idPecaItem) >= 2
        ) THEN ( 
            SELECT TOP 1 COALESCE(pi.idCadastro, 0) 
            FROM pecasItens pi  
            LEFT JOIN cadastros c ON pi.idCadastro = c.idCadastro AND c.tipoParceiro = 'r' AND c.idCadastroGrupo = 1
            INNER JOIN cadastrosCidades cc ON c.idCadastro = cc.idCadastro AND cc.idCidade = 4850
            WHERE pi.idCadastro IS NOT NULL  AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
            GROUP BY pi.idCadastro 
            HAVING COUNT(pi.idPecaItem) >= 2
        ) ELSE NULL END) 
         AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
    ) regra3 
    GROUP BY idCadastro 

    SELECT dbo.group_concat(idPecaItem) AS ids, idCadastro, '4' AS regra 
    FROM ( 
        SELECT TOP 2 idPecaItem, idCadastro 
        FROM pecasItens 
        WHERE COALESCE(pecasItens.idCadastro, 0) = (CASE WHEN EXISTS( 
            SELECT TOP 1 COALESCE(pi.idCadastro, 0) 
            FROM pecasItens pi  
            INNER JOIN cadastros c ON pi.idCadastro = c.idCadastro AND c.tipoParceiro = 'r' 
            INNER JOIN cadastrosGrupos cg ON c.idCadastroGrupo = cg.idCadastroGrupo AND cg.idMarca = 2
            INNER JOIN cadastrosCidades cc ON c.idCadastro = cc.idCadastro AND cc.idCidade = 4850
            WHERE pi.idCadastro IS NOT NULL  AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
            GROUP BY pi.idCadastro 
            HAVING COUNT(pi.idPecaItem) >= 2
        ) THEN ( 
            SELECT TOP 1 COALESCE(pi.idCadastro, 0) 
            FROM pecasItens pi  
            INNER JOIN cadastros c ON pi.idCadastro = c.idCadastro AND c.tipoParceiro = 'r' 
            INNER JOIN cadastrosGrupos cg ON c.idCadastroGrupo = cg.idCadastroGrupo AND cg.idMarca = 2
            INNER JOIN cadastrosCidades cc ON c.idCadastro = cc.idCadastro AND cc.idCidade = 4850
            WHERE pi.idCadastro IS NOT NULL  AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
            GROUP BY pi.idCadastro 
            HAVING COUNT(pi.idPecaItem) >= 2
        ) ELSE NULL END) 
         AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
    ) regra4 
    GROUP BY idCadastro 


    SELECT dbo.group_concat(idPecaItem) AS ids, idCadastro, '5' AS regra 
    FROM ( 
        SELECT TOP 2 idPecaItem, idCadastro 
        FROM pecasItens 
        WHERE COALESCE(pecasItens.idCadastro, 0) = (CASE WHEN EXISTS( 
            SELECT TOP 1 COALESCE(pi.idCadastro, 0) 
            FROM pecasItens pi 
            INNER JOIN cadastrosGrupos cg ON pi.idCadastro = cg.idCadastroMontadora AND cg.idCadastroGrupo = 1
            WHERE pi.idCadastro IS NOT NULL  AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
            GROUP BY pi.idCadastro 
            HAVING COUNT(pi.idPecaItem) >= 2
        ) THEN ( 
            SELECT TOP 1 COALESCE(pi.idCadastro, 0) 
            FROM pecasItens pi 
            INNER JOIN cadastrosGrupos cg ON pi.idCadastro = cg.idCadastroMontadora AND cg.idCadastroGrupo = 1
            WHERE pi.idCadastro IS NOT NULL  AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
            GROUP BY pi.idCadastro 
            HAVING COUNT(pi.idPecaItem) >= 2
        ) ELSE NULL END) 
         AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
    ) regra5 
    GROUP BY idCadastro 


    SELECT dbo.group_concat(idPecaItem) AS ids, idCadastro, '6' AS regra 
    FROM ( 
        SELECT TOP 2 idPecaItem, idCadastro 
        FROM pecasItens 
        WHERE COALESCE(pecasItens.idCadastro, 0) = (CASE WHEN EXISTS( 
            SELECT TOP 1 COALESCE(pi.idCadastro, 0) 
            FROM pecasItens pi  
            LEFT JOIN cadastros c ON pi.idCadastro = c.idCadastro AND c.tipoParceiro = 'r' AND c.idEstado = 25 AND c.atendeEstadoTodo = 1 
            WHERE pi.idCadastro IS NOT NULL  AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
            GROUP BY pi.idCadastro 
            HAVING COUNT(pi.idPecaItem) >= 2
        ) THEN ( 
            SELECT TOP 1 COALESCE(pi.idCadastro, 0) 
            FROM pecasItens pi  
            LEFT JOIN cadastros c ON pi.idCadastro = c.idCadastro AND c.tipoParceiro = 'r' AND c.idEstado = 25 AND c.atendeEstadoTodo = 1 
            WHERE pi.idCadastro IS NOT NULL  AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
            GROUP BY pi.idCadastro 
            HAVING COUNT(pi.idPecaItem) >= 2
        ) ELSE NULL END) 
         AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
    ) regra6 
    GROUP BY idCadastro 


    SELECT dbo.group_concat(idPecaItem) AS ids, idCadastro, '7' AS regra 
    FROM ( 
        SELECT TOP 2 idPecaItem, idCadastro 
        FROM pecasItens 
        WHERE COALESCE(pecasItens.idCadastro, 0) = (CASE WHEN EXISTS( 
            SELECT TOP 1 COALESCE(pi.idCadastro, 0) 
            FROM pecasItens pi  
            LEFT JOIN cadastros c ON pi.idCadastro = c.idCadastro AND c.tipoParceiro = 'r' AND c.atendeBrasilTodo = 1 
            WHERE pi.idCadastro IS NOT NULL  AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
            GROUP BY pi.idCadastro 
            HAVING COUNT(pi.idPecaItem) >= 2
        ) THEN ( 
            SELECT TOP 1 COALESCE(pi.idCadastro, 0) 
            FROM pecasItens pi  
            LEFT JOIN cadastros c ON pi.idCadastro = c.idCadastro AND c.tipoParceiro = 'r' AND c.atendeBrasilTodo = 1 
            WHERE pi.idCadastro IS NOT NULL  AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
            GROUP BY pi.idCadastro 
            HAVING COUNT(pi.idPecaItem) >= 2
        ) ELSE NULL END) 
         AND idPeca = 31740 AND idPedidoItem IS NULL AND dataEntrada <= '2014-3-13' AND devolucaoSolicitada IS NULL
    ) regra7 
    GROUP BY idCadastro 
) regras 
LEFT JOIN cadastros c ON regras.idCadastro = c.idCadastro 
LEFT JOIN listaEstados e ON c.idEstado = e.idEstado 
LEFT JOIN listaCidades cd ON c.idCidade = cd.idCidade 
LEFT JOIN listaBairros b ON c.idBairro = b.idBairro 

No, it's not MySQL. group_concat() here is a custom aggregate from this guys http://groupconcat.codeplex.com/

Это было полезно?


In nearly all instances the RDBMS is in a much better position to get you the first row.

If your query looks like this,

    SELECT ... FROM ... -- Query #1
    SELECT ... FROM ... -- Query #2
    SELECT ... FROM ... -- Query #7

the optimizer is smart enough to stop the query at whatever is the rule that produces the result that you need, be it rule one, rule four, or rule seven. On top of that, the optimizer can run your queries in parallel. Because it sits much closer to your data, it's hard to imagine that you could "outsmart" it by moving part of the query logic away from your RDBMS.

Другие советы

My inclination would be to leave the work in SQL, but restructure your query so it is not a union. You should be able to instead provide a stored proc that internal does a series of individual queries returns as soon as the result is found. Pseudo sql would start as something like this and could probably be improved along the way.

CREATE PROC GetBestSeller (Part, State, City, District) AS BEGIN


  SELECT TOP 1 @idSeller = idSeller FROM your first choice

    SELECT * FROM Seller WHERE idSeller = @idSeller

  SELECT TOP 1 @idSeller = idSeller FROM your second choice
    SELECT * FROM Seller WHERE idSeller = @idSeller

..and so one

EDIT: @Dasblinkenlight probably has the right of it in that the query optimizer in SQL Server would probably do this sort of thing internally and you could look at profiler to see if that was what was really happening with the UNION.

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