
This query sometimes randomly gives me null values in some rows and sometimes it doesn't. It all started happening when I changed the inner joins for left joins.

CREATE temporary TABLE IF NOT EXISTS surveys_temp AS 
  (SELECT SN.id_rep, 
          Coalesce(( Sum(CASE 
                           WHEN SN.score < 7 THEN -100 
                           WHEN SN.score >= 7 
                                AND score < 9 THEN 0 
                           WHEN SN.score >= 9 THEN 100 
                         end) / Count(score) ), 0) AS NRS, 
   FROM   surveys SN 
          INNER JOIN (SELECT id_rep, 
                             Coalesce(( Sum(CASE 
                                              WHEN score < 7 THEN -100 
                                              WHEN score >= 7 
                                                   AND score < 9 THEN 0 
                                              WHEN score >= 9 THEN 100 
                                            end) / Count(score) ), 0) AS WTR 
                      FROM   surveys 
                      WHERE  survey_type = 'WTR' 
                      GROUP  BY id_rep) SW 
                  ON SW.id_rep = SN.id_rep 
   WHERE  SN.survey_type = 'NRS' 
   GROUP  BY SN.id_rep); 

CREATE temporary TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders_temp AS 
  (SELECT id_rep, 
          Sum(Cast(ordernumber AS DECIMAL(2, 0))) AS Orders 
   FROM   orders 
   GROUP  BY id_rep); 

CREATE temporary TABLE IF NOT EXISTS chats_temp AS 
  (SELECT id_rep, 
          Time_format(Sec_to_time(Cast(Cast(Sum(response_time * -1)/ Count( 
                                  id_session) AS 
                                  DECIMAL(5, 2 
                                              )) AS CHAR(6 
                                  ))), '%H : %i : %s')AS response_time 
   FROM   chats 
   WHERE  chat_type = 1 
   GROUP  BY id_rep 
   ORDER  BY id_rep); 

SELECT R.rep_name, 
       Count(DISTINCT R.id_session)                AS Chats, 
       Concat(Cast((o.orders/Count(DISTINCT r.id_session)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5, 2 
              )), '%' 
       )                                           AS CONVERSION, 
       Coalesce(Cast(s.nrs AS DECIMAL(5, 2)), '0') AS NRS, 
       Coalesce(Cast(s.wtr AS DECIMAL(5, 2)), '0') AS WTR, 
FROM   reps R 
       LEFT JOIN surveys_temp AS S 
              ON S.id_rep = R.id_rep 
       LEFT JOIN orders_temp AS O 
              ON O.id_rep = R.id_rep 
       LEFT JOIN chats_temp AS C 
              ON c.id_rep = R.id_rep 
WHERE  R.rep_country IN( 'D.R', 'U.S' ) 
GROUP  BY R.rep_name 
ORDER  BY R.rep_name; 
Это было полезно?


A problem here is that you are violating the Single Value Rule in that you are grouping only by R.Rep_Name yet selecting other fields without introducing them via an aggregate function, e.g. columns O.Orders and C.response_time (and the derived columns via Coalesce and Concat)

Because of this violation, it is likely that not all values of the non-grouped, non-aggregated columns have the same values per Rep_Name group, and the result is indeterminate. More here

Edit(from comments below)

data looks a little better, but some rep_names are repeating

This appears to confirm the non-aggregated columns were not unique. So:

  • either the columns can't be shown in the context of rep_name groups,
  • or you have more discrete groups than you thought
  • or you will need to qualify the non-distinct columns with an aggregate such as Count(O.Orders), AVG(C.response_time) etc and then change the column headings as such (e.g. "TotalOrders", "AverageResponseTime" etc)
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