
skitter-slider plugin is setup with following props but whenever I mouse over the slides the next and prev buttons become visible. I need to remove the buttons even when mouse is over the slides. I think it should be handled by navigation: false but it does not work.

<!-- Init Skitter -->
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $('.box_skitter_large').css({width: 530, height: 110}).skitter({
                theme: 'round',
                numbers_align: 'center',
                navigation: false,
                enable_navigation_keys: false,
                progressbar: false, 
                dots: true, 
                preview: false,
                hideTools: true

I have also tried adding display:none to all following classes in skitter.styles.css file.

.skitter-round .prev_button, 
.skitter-round .next_button, 
Это было полезно?


Open skitter.styles.css and change this line display: block; to

 display: none !important;

In skitter.styles.css,

    /* =Round theme
    -------------------------------------------------------------- */
.skitter-round .prev_button, 
.skitter-round .next_button, 
.skitter-round .play_pause_button, 
.skitter-round .focus_button 
    display: none !important; // change to this
    background: url('../images/sprite-round.png') no-repeat;

Другие советы

You can use display: none !important; to resolve this issue.

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