
Can we simulate Home button on Android devices for Calabash-Android? I need to tap on Home button in our scripts to execute my Scripts using Calabash.

Это было полезно?


I have not tried this yet myself. But looking around for a solution I did find this.

Link http://krazyrobot.com/2014/02/calabash-android-enter-text-from-keyboard-using-adb/ by Balazs Balazs aka krazyrobot

His solution is to use send keycodes, for the home button that is KEYCODE_HOME. Wrapping that into calabash would give you:

system("adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_HOME")

Again I have not tried this, but it sounds like a solution.

Другие советы

Additionally, the

system("adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_BACK")

works if you just want to go back a screen.

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