
The problem is: JAX-WS service have public constructor with some preparatory operations (read config etc.) This service deploys on Tomcat 7 successful and i can call its operations, but its constructor not calls.

Question: how to call constructor of JAX-WS service or how to solve this problem in other optimal way?



@WebService(serviceName="myServiceName" endpointInterface="pack.myServiceInterface")
public class myService implements myServiceInterface
    // constructor
    public void myService() // never calls !!!
        // some actions (read config etc.)

    // method for clients call
    public int someMethod()


Service svc = Service.create(urlWsdl, new QName(namespaceSvc, "myServiceName"));
port = svc.getPort(new QName(namespaceSvc, portSvc), MyServiceInterface.class);
int a = port.someMethod();
Это было полезно?


// constructor
    public void myService() // never calls !!!
        // some act

ions (read config etc.) }

Because It's not a constructor of your class. you can not use return type in constructor not even void.

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