
I have a problem with my MediaWiki (www.sfb-higher-invariants.de).

  • The login is connected via a Single-Sign-On of the University of Regensburg. By logging in, there is a redirect to a specific site.
  • After a correct login there is another redirect back to the Wiki.
  • When not being logged in, the Wiki is on the server www-cgi.
  • After logging into it the server changes (to a secure server).

My Problem: - If I set the $wgScriptPaht to www-cgi image uploads are working and the css is loaded.

  • But the redirect to the secure server does not work properly.
  • If I set no path, the redirect works, but the other two things fail. The secure server is https.

  • Where do I get the path, which the Wiki sets automatically? And how can I work around this mess?

PS: There is no other way for the sign in because of security reasons of the university... :(

Это было полезно?


The server name can be overridden with $wgServer, if I understand your question correctly, this is the parameter you are looking for.

If you need to, you can set both upload path a and style path separately, using $wgUploadPath and $wgStylePath, even though I can't figure out why that would be necessary.

Лицензировано под: CC-BY-SA с атрибуция
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