
I have (something equivalent to) the following in a syntax file:

syn sync clear
syn sync fromstart
syn region fooBlock start="\<interface\>" end="\ze\<implementation\>" fold
syn region fooBlock start="\<implementation\>" end="\%$" fold

Syntax highlighting works just fine (as one can see by adding e.g. matchgroup=Keyword). Folding also basically works, but when I insert a new fold (by typing e.g. implementation, vim starts the fold one line later than it should. Example:

-  interface
|  l1
|  l2
-  l3
|  l4
|  l5

When typing this, obviously I would expect the second fold to start one line earlier. Typing zx corrects that, as does saving and reopening the file or typing :syn sync fromstart.

What can I do to have vim correctly insert the folds as I type?

I already looked in :help fold-syntax, but as shown, :syn sync fromstart in the syntax file does not work.

Maybe there is a better way than using \ze (or the me=s-1 suffix, which also yields the same result) to highlight/fold multipart regions.

Это было полезно?


You're trying to express the fact that the interface section ends one line before an implementation line. Syntax regions (and apparently especially folding) work best when there's a definite region start and region end marker (like begin and end).

I've tried to make your example work by adding \n to the pattern, but that also didn't work. I guess to get reliable folding, you need to switch from syntax-folding to a 'foldexpr', like this:

:setlocal foldmethod=expr foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=='interface'\|\|getline(v:lnum)=='implementation'?'>1':'='
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