Writing testng tests with different java version than product's java version

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23634928

  •  21-07-2023
  •  | 


I need to analyze whether having different versions of java for product (AUT) and Tests (written using testng) will have any impact on test-ability of the AUT. Lets say product is using Java 7 and the testNG tests are using Java 6 (JRE) to run [or vice versa]. Will this result in any kind of issues ?

The type of tests can be anything from unit, system, functional, integration, etc.

Please help.

Это было полезно?


Most likely you have code written in Java 7 and a tests written in Java 6. This is not a problem provided you have a JVM which can run Java 7 i.e. JRE 7+.

The fact some of the code is written in Java 1.1 or 5.0 or 6, or even compiled using this version doesn't matter.

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