
I currently have a class defined in C++ which includes a C-preprocessor variable to switch on/off a certain feature:


class A : public B {
#ifdef PPVAR
  int _i;



#ifdef PPVAR
  : B(1)
  : B(2)

which affects the member variables and the initialization of the superclass. Currently I switch between the cases by including/excluding "-DPPVAR" in my c++ compiler flags. However, it would be much more desirable to have both implementations available simultaneously. I could in principle duplicate these source files (A_on.[hh,cc], A_off.[hh,cc]) but since they have so much in common this seems very inelegant. Because the flag influences the members and the constructor of the superclass I don't see an easy way of controlling this feature by simply introducing for instance a global variable bool switchFeature = [T|F] and using

if (switchFeature) {
} else {

everywwhere. If this were possible it would be my method of choice and I would love to hear your solution to this!

As an alternative (although doubling the number of classes) I thought maybe one could compile this source twice, once with "-DPPVAR" and once without and producing two object files A_on.o, A_off.o, but somehow I would still need to duplicate my header for this to work and would require more modifications in the rest of the code.

I'd appreciate any insight and hints on how I could tackle this problem

Это было полезно?


Make your class A template from int.

template<int PPVAR_val = 1>
class A : public B {
  //number of members can also differ for partial specializations
  int _i;



template<int PPVAR_val>
  : B(PPVAR_val)

Другие советы

You should create a child to A and add virtual methods if some code differ between A and its child


class A : public class B {

// Common attributes and Functions

A(int ppvar) : B(ppvar) {}; // Not public
A() : B(1) {};

virtual method(); // Method that differ between A and its Child

class A2 : public class A {
// Attributes only needed by A2
A2() : A(2) {};

method(); // Say that A2 will use its own implementation of method


int main(void)
bool PPVar = ...;
A    *a;
if (PPVar)
     a = new A();
     a = new A2();

return (0);

An abstract class A with two child AOn and Aoff also.

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