
One single Query to insert multiple rows :

$My query = "INSERT INTO exp_channel_titles(channel_id,author_id,ip_address) VALUES(11,1,''),(11,1,''),(11,1,'')";

What I want :

array of auto incremented id.

what i am getting using SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() :

I get only one single id.What should I do so that I get array of all the auto incremented value of last inserted fields.

P.S : I cant fire multiple insert query.

Это было полезно?

Решение 2

This gets last X records ordered by ID descreasingly. If your ID is autoincremented, those will be the latest inserted values.

SELECT * FROM exp_channel_titles

Другие советы

if you are using InnoDB on a recent version of MySQL, you can get the list of IDs using LAST_INSERT_ID() and ROW_COUNT().

InnoDB guarantees sequential numbers for AUTO INCREMENT when doing bulk inserts, provided innodb_autoinc_lock_mode is set to 0 (traditional) or 1 (consecutive). Consequently you can get the first ID from LAST_INSERT_ID() and the last by adding ROW_COUNT()-1.

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