
I have two csv files A and B. A is the master repository. I need to read those files, map the records of B to A and save the mapped records to another file. The class to hold records is, say Record. The class to hold the matched records is, say, RecordMatch.

class Record
  string Id;
  string Name;
  string Address;
  string City;
  string State;
  string Zipcode;

class RecordMatch
  string Aid;
  string AName;
  string Bid;
  string BName;
  double NameMatchPercent;

The mapping scenario goes thus : First, against each record of B, the records of A are filtered using state, city and then zipcode. The records of A thus filtered are then compared with the record of B. This comparison is between the name field, and is a best-match comparison using a fuzzy string algorithm. The best match is selected and saved.

The string matching algorithm will give a percentage of match. Thus, the best result out of all the matches have to be selected.

Now that I tried my best to explain the scenario, I will come to the design issue. My initial design was to make a Mapper class, which will be something as below :

class Mapper
  List<Record> ReadFromFile(File);
  List<Record> FilterData(FilterType);
  void Save(List<Record>);
  RecordMatch MatchRecord(Record A, Record B);

But looking at the design, it simply seems to be a class wrapper over some methods. I dont see any OO design in it. I also felt that the Match() belongs more to the Record class than the Mapper class.

But on another look, I saw the class as implementing something resembling to Repository pattern.

Another way I think is to keep the Mapper class, and just move the Match() method to the Record class, something like this :

class Mapper
  List<Record> ReadFromFile(File);
  List<Record> FilterData(FilterType);
  void Save(List<Record>);

class Record
  string id;
  string name;
  string address;
  // other fields;

  public RecordMatch Match (Record record)
    // This record will compare the name field with that of the passed Record.
    // It will return RecordMatch specifyin the percent of match.

Now I am totally confused in this simple scenario. What would ideally be a good OO design in this scenario?

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