C# не может читать электронные письма с помощью webdav и fba

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У меня возникли проблемы с подключением к exchange 2007 mailbox это запуск FBA с моим кодом на C# с использованием webdav.


Приведенный ниже код должен работать с сервером exchange 2007, подключаться и считывать электронную почту из почтового ящика.

Я пробовал EWS, но в этом не было никакого смысла, и я не смог заставить его работать.

Ниже приведен мой код.Я использую url outlook для получения файлов cookie, которые мне нужны для входа через webdav на URL exchange.


440 login timeout on the request.

Область, где мой код ломается:

Response = (HttpWebResponse)Request.GetResponse();


namespace logintomailbox
    class Program
        #region auth dont exapnd
        //Authentication to exchange 2007 with webdav and filebasedauth (FBA) in C#
        internal static string dUser = "user";
        internal static string dDomain = "domain";
        internal static string dPassword = "password";
        internal static string MailBoxAliasName = "mailbox;
        internal static string ExchangeServerName = "appews.host.com";
        internal static string outlookServerName = "outlook.host.com";
        internal static string ReadAttachments = "1"; //1 means read attachments, 0 means dont
        internal static string MailBoxEarliestDateToRead = "2011-01-05T00:00:00.000Z";//date of emails to read from

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //FBA code
            //once i get a 302 response code i am authenticated
            DoExchangeFBA("https://" + outlookServerName, dDomain + "/" + dUser, dPassword);

            //login via webdav

            //exit application
        private static void QueryMailBoxViaDAV()
            //create http web request object
            System.Net.HttpWebRequest Request;
            //Request.CookieContainer = newCookieContainer();
            //create http web response object
            System.Net.WebResponse Response;

            //create needed components of web request/response
            byte[] bytes = null;
            System.IO.Stream RequestStream = null;
            System.IO.Stream ResponseStream = null;
            XmlDocument ResponseXmlDoc = null;
            string strRootURI = null;

            //check if exchange server is 2007 or 2003                   
            if (ExchangeServerName == "appews.host.com")
                //exchange 2007
                strRootURI = "https://" + ExchangeServerName + "/exchange/" + MailBoxAliasName;
                //exchange 2003
                //example of previously used url for exchange 2003 mailboxes
                strRootURI = "https://" + ExchangeServerName + "/exchange/" + MailBoxAliasName + "/Inbox";

            //begin webdav query
            string strQuery = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><D:searchrequest xmlns:D=\"DAV:\" >"
                        + "<D:sql>SELECT \"DAV:displayname\", "
                        + "\"urn:schemas:mailheader:message-id\", "
                        + "\"urn:schemas:mailheader:date\", "
                        + "\"urn:schemas:mailheader:from\", "
                        + "\"urn:schemas:mailheader:to\", "
                        + "\"urn:schemas:mailheader:subject\", "
                        + "\"urn:schemas:httpmail:hasattachment\", "
                        + "\"urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription\" "
                        + " FROM \"" + strRootURI + "\""
                        + "WHERE \"DAV:ishidden\" = false AND \"DAV:isfolder\" = false "
                        + "AND \"urn:schemas:mailheader:date\" > CAST(\"" + MailBoxEarliestDateToRead.ToString() + "\" as \"dateTime.tz\")"
                        + "</D:sql></D:searchrequest>";

            //build http web request
            Request = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(strRootURI);
            Request.KeepAlive = false;
            Request.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(
            Request.Method = "SEARCH";

            //now that everything is created try sending a request
                bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((string)strQuery);
                Request.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
                RequestStream = Request.GetRequestStream();
                RequestStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                Request.ContentType = "text/xml";
                Request.KeepAlive = true;
                Response = (HttpWebResponse)Request.GetResponse();
                ResponseStream = Response.GetResponseStream();
                ResponseXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();


                Console.WriteLine("Authentication Successful");
            //catch all exceptions and sent to console if they occur
            catch (Exception ex)
        private static CookieCollection DoExchangeFBA(string server, string userName, string password)

            var uri = server + "/owa/auth/owaauth.dll";

            var request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri);
            request.Method = "POST";
            request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
            request.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
            request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;

            server = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(server);
            userName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(userName);
            password = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(password);
            var bodyString = "destination={0}&flags=0&username={1}";
            bodyString += "&password={2}&SubmitCreds=Log+On&";
            bodyString += "forcedownlevel=0&trusted=0";
            bodyString = string.Format(bodyString, server,
                                        userName, password);

            var body = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(bodyString);

            request.ContentLength = body.Length;
            ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;

            var stream = request.GetRequestStream();
            stream.Write(body, 0, body.Length);


            var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

            if (response.Cookies.Count < 2) throw
                new AuthenticationException("Failed to login to OWA!");
            return response.Cookies;

Другие советы

Сервер выдает сообщение HTTP/1.1 440 Тайм-аут входа в систему, всякий раз, когда включен FBA и есть HTTP-запрос или WebDAV-запрос, отправленный в exchange 2003/2007 .. Вот некоторые пример кода и вот подробности о FBA

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