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Explain operation cycle method in estimation of working capital.

Banking & FinanceFinanceFinance Management

Operation cycle method considers total cycle of operations, from raw materials to finished goods, from accounts payable to net cash.

The times taken to complete these operations are called operating cycle time.

If the operating cycle is long then, requirement of working capital is less, if the operating cycle is less then, requirement of working capital is less.


  • Working capital = CGS(E)* D/365 + CB

Here, CGS (E) = estimated cost of goods sold, D = days in operating cycle, CB = Cash/Bank balance

  • RM Stock = PU(E) * Cu * (Hp/365)

Here, PU(E) = production units estimated, Cu = cost per unit, HP = holding period of RM

  • WIP = P(E) * {Cu – RM + L+OH} * {WIP/365}

Here, P(E) = production estimated, Cu = unit cost, RM (100%), L(50%) =Labour, OH (50% = overheads), WIP = work in progress

  • Finished goods = P(E)*CGSp*(HPfg/365)

Here, P(E) = production estimated. CGSp = unit cost of goods produced, HPfg= holding period of finished goods

  • Accounts receivables = P(E) * SP *(CP/365)

Here, P(E) = production estimated , SP = selling price, CP = Collection period

  • Accounts payables = P(E)* RMu * (PP/365)

Here, P(E) = production estimated, RMu = RM cost per unit, PP = payment period

                Operating cycle = IP + ARP

            Here IP = Inventory period, ARP = Accounts receivable period

Advantages of this method include −

  • It is precise.
  • Provides detail report.

Disadvantages of this method include −

  • It is long process.
  • More calculations are required.


Cost of goods sold = Rs.5000000/-
Operating cycle = 100 days
Cash/bank balance = 600000/-
Now, calculate the working capital.


The solution is mentioned below −

            Working capital = CGS(E)* D/365 + CB
      Here CGS (E) = estimated cost of goods sold, D = days in operating cycle, CB = Cash/Bank balance
            Working capital = 5000000 * 100/365 + 600000
                  Working capital = Rs1969893/-

Working capital is further divided into each component (inventory, cash etc.)

Published on 29-Sep-2020 17:30:27
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