
We support IE9, IE10, IE11, Chrome and Firefox, and we support them on Win7, Win8, Win8, and Win10.

If we tested every possible combination of browser and OS that would be 20 times through our script and we're wondering if that is necessary.

I'm fairly confident that the results we get for Chrome or Firefox on one OS will hold for all OS's, but we're not sure if there might be difference in the way certain versions of IE behave on the different OS's.

  1. Am I correct in assuming that Chrome and Firefox will be consistent across OS's?
  2. Will each version of IE be consistent across OS's or do we need to test each possible OS/Browser combo?
  3. Are any differences likely to be functionality differences (piece of javascript fails) or display (css issues)?
Это было полезно?


Am I correct in assuming that Chrome and Firefox will be consistent across OS's?

No. Firefox on Windows 10 has some issues with slow network connectivity and Chrome on Windows 10 has some issues with font rendering

Mac OSX, Windows, and Linux use different font and display implementations, so the CSS rendering will never be pixel perfect across operating systems

Will each version of IE be consistent across OS's or do we need to test each possible OS/Browser combo?

No. IE 10 and IE 11 have features which are not part of Windows 7:

Running IE on Windows versus running through an emulator on Mac OSX or Linux will be different due to emulator specific configuration differences

Are any differences likely to be functionality differences (piece of javascript fails) or display (css issues)?

Both. The functionality differences are mostly related to network protocol support and the display differences are related to scaling and zooming behavior based on screen resolution.


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