
I've heard that it is possible to substitute an if statement by using a lambda.

Is this possible in Python? If so, how?

Это было полезно?


Like the others, I'm not sure what you're asking about, but I'm willing to have a guess.

I sometimes use lambdas in a bit of a hacky way processing results from API calls.

Say for example an element of an API call result should be a numeric string which I'd want as an integer, but occasionally it returns something else.

You could defined a lambda to turn a string into an integer if it is comprised of digits:

lambda x: x and x.isdigit() and int(x) or None

This is avoiding an if statement, but not because of the lambda, you could do the same as a function:

def f(x):
  return x and x.isdigit() and int(x) or None


Less buggy hack, courtesy of Paul McGuire:

lambda x: int(x) if x and x.isdigit() else None

i.e. as int('0') returns an equivalent of False the lambda might surprise you by returning None when you wanted 0

Другие советы

Perhaps you are referring to something like this (Lambda calculus)?

If = lambda test, x, y: test(x, y)
True = lambda x, y: x
False = lambda x, y: y

Which you could use like...

# I guess you have to convert them sometimes... oh well
C = lambda b: [False, True][b]

x = If(C(2 > 3), "Greater", "Less")
# "Less"

But now things start to fall apart...

If(C(2 > 3), print("Greater"), print("Less"))
# Invalid syntax unless you use
    #     from __future__ import print_function
# And if you do, it prints both!
# (Because python has eager evaluation)

# So we could do
True = lambda x, y: x()
False = lambda x, y: y()

# And then
If(C(2 > 3), lambda:print("Greater"), lambda:print("Less"))
# "Less"

So, not so pretty, or useful. But it works.

I might be seriously off, but I'd imagine this means something like:

filter(lambda x: x > 0, list_of_values)

Would return you the elements from list_of_values which have a value greater than 0.

Following is a little trick inspired by Smalltalk language core, which does not use if statement nor ternary operator, yet working as a conditional execution mechanism. :-)

#!/usr/bin/env python
class ATrue:
  def ifThen(self,iftrue): iftrue()
  def ifThenElse(self,iftrue,iffalse): return iftrue()
  def andThen(self,other): return other()
  def orElse(self,other): return self

class AFalse:
  def ifThen(self,iftrue): pass
  def ifThenElse(self,iftrue,iffalse): return iffalse()
  def andThen(self,other): return self
  def orElse(self,other): return other()

def echo(x): print x

if __name__=='__main__':
  T = ATrue()
  F = AFalse()

  x = T                    # True
  y = T.andThen(lambda: F) # True and False
  z = T.orElse(lambda: F)  # True or False

  x.ifThenElse( lambda: echo("x is True"), lambda: echo("x if False"))
  y.ifThenElse( lambda: echo("y is True"), lambda: echo("y if False"))
  z.ifThenElse( lambda: echo("z is True"), lambda: echo("z if False"))

UPDATE: Tidy up some symbols to avoid confusion and make the point clear. And added code to show how short-cut evaluation of logical operators can be implemented.

if condition:


(lambda x: do_stuff() if x else dont())(condition)

But it's not clear what you're looking for.

Note that this is not an if statement -- it's a ternary operation. In Python, they just both use the word if. See for example Lambda "if" statement? for this in C#.

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