
This query here is supposed to SELECT * pages where the $_GET['variables'] match the conditions. The $_GET['variables'] are $page_type = type of page AND $loc = location to search. The problem is that I have it set to LIMIT 20, but it only renders one page.

function SearchByTypeLoc($page_type, $loc) {
  $query = mysql_query("
      `$page_type`.title AS title,
      `$page_type`.url_title AS url_title,
      `$page_type`.page_type AS page_type,
      `$page_type`.street AS street,
      `$page_type`.city AS city,
      `$page_type`.state AS state, 
      `$page_type`.city_state_zip AS city_state_zip,
      `$page_type`.phone AS phone,
      LEFT(`$page_type`.body, 100) AS body,
      LEFT(`$page_type`.type, 50) AS type,
      GROUP_CONCAT( i.image_loc ) AS images
    FROM `$page_type` 
    JOIN page_images i USING( title )
      `$page_type`.page_type = '$page_type' AND
      `$page_type`.city = '$loc'
    ORDER BY title
    LIMIT 20");

while($fetch = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { ...


Any idea how to make it not LIMIT 1?

Это было полезно?


GROUP_CONCAT is an aggregate function,
try explicitly add a

GROUP BY `$page_type`.title

Другие советы

It doesn't LIMIT 1, but there is only $page_type which matches the criteria. You join on title (why not on an id?) so there must only be one $page_type with images with a matching title.

If you want to return pages which also may not have any images then you need to change the JOIN to LEFT JOIN.

The way you link pages to images is flawed. If you change the title of a page you need to remember and update the respective title in the images table. In any case this is not a proper foreign key. You should use an auto_increment id on pages.

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