
Lets say I use a query as below to get a large result set.

Select UserID,FirstName, LastName, City, Age from UserInfo where DateDiff(d,GetDate,LastActiveOn)  > 180

Now, I want to cache each object returned by the query and invalidate the object when it changes. So I cast each result for the above result set to User objects (DTO) and then while adding them Cache, add the dependency as follows:

   while (reader.Read())
                    var user = new UserInfo(reader, false);
                    float distance;
                    if (float.TryParse(reader["Distance"].ToString(), out distance))
                        user.Distance = distance;
                    //Add user to Cache
                    string userQuery = "SELECT UserID,FirstName,MiddleName,LastName FROM mydb.dbo.UserInfo where UserID=" + user.UserId.ToString();
                    var cacheDependencyCmd = new SqlCommand(userQuery, con);
                    SqlCacheDependency jobSeekerDependency = new SqlCacheDependency(cacheDependencyCmd);
                TimeSpan timeLeftToExpiration = user.LastActive.AddDays(180) - DateTime.Now;

                DateTime itemExpirationDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(timeLeftToExpiration.Days);

                string key = "u-" + user.UserId.ToString();
                this.Context.Cache.Insert(key,user.UserId.ToString() + user.LastActiveString , jobSeekerDependency, itemExpirationDate, Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Normal, new CacheItemRemovedCallback(ItemRemovedCallBack));

But this doesn't seem to work. There are no records in sys.dm_qn_subscriptions. There are no more errors in Event Log (which I was getting yesterday and took appropriate steps to resolve those) Looking at the Sql Profiler I find that the SqlQueryNotification stored procedure is running every 2 minutes or so.

So I am wondering why has the dependency not been created? Is it because I am using a different query to create the dependency?

Это было полезно?


The query has to be the same. Basically, the query which invalidates the cache based on dependency is the one which should be used to fetch the data.

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