
I have upgraded my Magento from 2.2.7 to 2.3.3. After I upgrade it, I can't run command line:

php -dmemory_limit=2G bin/magento catalog:images:resize

It always shows bug: libpng warning: Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image

enter image description here

Do you have any idea? Thank you!

Это было полезно?


You can use convert Linux utility if you're on Linux server/machine. To check arguments you can check here - http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/convert.im6.1.html

In your image directory you can run the command like following ;

find . -iname '*.png' -execdir convert {} -interlace none {} \;

the above command will find files with png extension and run convert for them.

Другие советы



find . -iname '*.png' -execdir convert {} -interlace none {} \;


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