
I did take a look in and outside of SO and still don't know if this can be done. I have a table that looks like this:

User ID | Role | First Name | Last Name | Email |<br>
0001    | K    | John       | Smith     | e@e.co|<br>
0002    | Q    | Jane       | Dickens   | q@q.co|<br>
0003    | K    | John       | Smith     | e@e.co|<br>
0004    | J    | Jack       | Paper     | j@j.co|<br>

As you can see, the table contains a duplicate due to a user entering their information two separate times. I want to display the rows that

  • 1. have the same first name
  • 2. have the same last name
  • 3. have the same email
  • 4. do NOT have the same User ID

    I can get the first three conditions to work with an inner join subquery, but I get 0 returned results when ever I try to to add in the fourth condition.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Это было полезно?


    SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`User ID`) as IDs, Role, `First Name`, `Last Name`, Email
    FROM users_table
    GROUP BY Role,`First Name`,`Last Name`,Email

    Will give a table like

    IDs       | Role | First Name | Last Name | Email |
    0001,0003 |   K  |    John    |   Smith   | e@e.co|
    0002      |   Q  |    Jane    |  Dickens  | q@q.co|
    0004      |   J  |    Jack    |   Paper   | j@j.co|

    The trick is to GROUP BY everything except ID.

    You could also do:

    SELECT COUNT(`User ID`) as numIDs, GROUP_CONCAT(`User ID`) as IDs, 
           Role, `First Name`, `Last Name`, Email
    FROM users_table
    GROUP BY Role,`First Name`,`Last Name`,Email
    HAVING numIDs > 1

    to get

    numIDs |IDs       | Role | First Name | Last Name | Email |
        2  |0001,0003 |   K  |    John    |   Smith   | e@e.co|

    Anyhow, you get the point of how to vary it to your purposes.

    Другие советы

    Try something like:

    select *
      from tb_users
     where (first_name, last_name, email) in
       (select first_name, last_name, email
          from tb_users
         group by first_name, last_name, email
        having count(*) > 1)

    I am assuming that your table does not contain true duplicate rows (where the User ID also matches). I think it should be as simple as this to get the relevant rows back (with my adjusted column and table naming scheme):

    SELECT ui.user_id, ui.role, ui.first_name, ui.last_name, ui.email
    FROM user_info AS ui
      INNER JOIN user_info AS udi
        ON ui.first_name = udi.first_name
          AND ui.last_name = udi.last_name
          AND ui.email = udi.email
          AND ui.user_id != udi.user_id;

    I would use count(*) and group by clause.

    Like this SELECT count(*) as count FROM table group by concat(firstname,'\n',last_name) having count=1;

    I think you want to delete duplicate rows. Only take count by group by and delete duplicate rows.

    select * from tb_users
         group by first_name, last_name, email
        having count(*) > 1
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