
Sometimes I get accustomed to a particular R package's design and want to search CRAN for all packages by that author (let's use Hadley Wickham for instance). How can I do such a search (I'd like to use R but this doesn't have to be the mode of search)?

Это было полезно?


Crantastic can search by author. You can do quite a bit more with crantastic but the functionality you're looking for is already provided there.

Другие советы

Not exactly by author but perhaps access by maintainer would also be useful?


EDIT by Tyler Rinker

DWin's suggestion can be brought to fruition with these lines of code:

search.lib <- function(term, column = 1){
    URL <- "http://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_summary_by_maintainer.html#summary_by_maintainer"
    dat <-readHTMLTable(doc=URL, which=1, header=T, as.is=FALSE)
    names(dat) <- trimws(names(dat))
    dat$Maintainer[dat$Maintainer == ""] <- NA
    dat$Maintainer = zoo::na.locf(dat$Maintainer)
    if (is.numeric(column)) {
        dat[agrep(term, dat[, column]), 1:3]
    } else {
        dat[agrep(term, dat[, agrep(column, colnames(dat))]), 1:3]

search.lib("brewer", 2)

Adapted from available.packages by publication date :

## restrict to first 100 packages (by alphabetical order)
pkgs <- unname(available.packages()[, 1])[1:100]
desc_urls <- paste(options("repos")$repos,"/web/packages/", pkgs, 
    "/DESCRIPTION", sep = "")
desc <- lapply(desc_urls, function(x) read.dcf(url(x)))
authors <- sapply(desc, function(x) x[, "Author"])

Since I'm a narcissist (and Hadley Wickham has no packages in the first 100 [this was true in 2012 but cannot possibly be true now, in 2018!]):

# [1] "ape"

The main problem with this solution is that doing it for real (rather than just for the first 100 packages) means hitting CRAN 3000+ times for the package information ...

edit: a better solution, based on Jeroen Oom's solution in the same place:

recent.packages.rds <- function(){
    mytemp <- tempfile()
    mydata <- as.data.frame(readRDS(mytemp), row.names=NA)
    mydata$Published <- as.Date(mydata[["Published"]])

mydata <- recent.packages.rds()
# [1] "classifly"    "clusterfly"   "devtools"     "evaluate"     "fda"         
# [6] "geozoo"       "ggmap"        "ggplot2"      "helpr"        "hints"       
# [11] "HistData"     "hof"          "itertools"    "lubridate"    "meifly"      
# [16] "memoise"      "munsell"      "mutatr"       "normwhn.test" "plotrix"     
# [21] "plumbr"       "plyr"         "productplots" "profr"        "Rd2roxygen"  
# [26] "reshape"      "reshape2"     "rggobi"       "roxygen"      "roxygen2"    
# [31] "scales"       "sinartra"     "stringr"      "testthat"     "tourr"       
# [36] "tourrGui"  
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