
I'm using XAMPP Lite for USB Drive. I also found fully functional Netbeans portable version.

The problem is I can't install XDebug because of path problem. For ex. on my local PC server PHP.ini configuration file looks like that

zend_extension = "C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\ext\php_xdebug.dll"
xdebug.profiler_enable = On 
xdebug.profiler_output_dir = C:\Windows\temp 

As you see, all paths are absolute; I mean with drive letter. But I can't write absolute paths for USB flash drive.

My questions are:

  1. Is there any way to get work xDebug with Xammp Lite on USB flash drive?
  2. Any alternative debugger which works portable?
Это было полезно?


Your best option may be to have a little batch script to automatically always assign the same drive letter when load it up in Windows. You can make this an auto-run from the USB drive itself - so that it's entirely portable.

Your script should look something like this:

@echo off

set NewLetter=X

@REM Find the (USB) drive with the flagfile "USB.root" and change its drive letter to "%NewLetter%"

@REM Abort if %NewLetter% already exist
if exist %NewLetter%: goto END_USB_DRIVE

if not exist "%SystemRoot%\System32\DISKPART.EXE" goto END_USB_DRIVE

@REM Find the drive with the flag file and set %_USBroot% to the old letter
for %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z) do (
if exist %%i:\USB.root set _USBroot=%%i:
@REM Abort if no Drive with the flag file has been found
if "%_USBroot%" == "" goto END_USB_DRIVE

@REM Create the script file for DiskPart.exe on the USB-drive
echo select volume %_USBroot<> "%_USBroot%\ChangeDrvLetter.txt"
echo assign letter=%NewLetter<>> "%_USBroot%\ChangeDrvLetter.txt"

@REM Do the change -> %NewLetter%
DISKPART /S "%_USBroot%\ChangeDrvLetter.txt"
if exist "%NewLetter%:\ChangeDrvLetter.txt" del "%NewLetter%:\ChangeDrvLetter.txt"


The above example was lifted from here - and you'll find a couple other examples there as well: http://www.techrepublic.com/forum/questions/101-220894/force-thumb-drive-or-flash-drive-to-same-drive-letter-each-time

Другие советы

Is the relative path not solved your problem?

zend_extension = "\PHP\ext\php_xdebug.dll"

xdebug.profiler_output_dir = \temp

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