
For those of you who aren't familiar with MindBody ( http://www.mindbodyonline.com ) it is a convenient merchant processing tool for health and wellness centres like the yoga studio I do work for. It can track clients and manage employees and all sorts of great stuff. I have been generating reports using nuSOAP and the MindBody SOAP API v0.4 for a while now. When my client asked me to generate a report that needed the updated MindBody SOAP API v0.5 I decided to drop nuSOAP for PHP5's native SOAP. Then I heard that Zend Soap offers the same speed as the native soap but also has a bunch of other benefits so I wrote the following code.

require_once 'Zend/Soap/Client.php';
$sourceCredentials = array('SourceName'=>'****', 'Password'=>"****", 'SiteIDs'=>array('****'));

try {
  $client = new Zend_Soap_Client('https://api.mindbodyonline.com/0_5/ClientService.asmx?WSDL');
  $result = $client->GetClients(array("SourceCredentials"=>$sourceCredentials, "XMLDetail"=>"Basic", "PageSize"=>"10", "CurrentPageIndex"=>"0", "ClientIDs"=>array("100009536")));
  echo $client->getLastRequest();

} catch (SoapFault $s) {
  die('ERROR: [' . $s->faultcode . '] ' . $s->faultstring);
} catch (Exception $e) {
  die('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage());

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. The page just keeps loading and loading but never loads. I'm hoping someone can take a look at the WSDL or the API Docs and tell me what I'm missing. Here's the link to the API Docs http://api.mindbodyonline.com/Doc I am trying to use the client service in this example.

If I comment out the $result = $client->GetClients~ line then the page loads and the var_dump of $client returns this

object(Zend_Soap_Client)#1 (28) { ["_encoding:protected"]=> string(5) "UTF-8" ["_classmap:protected"]=> NULL ["_faultExceptions:protected"]=> array(0) { } ["_soapVersion:protected"]=> int(2) ["_uri:protected"]=> NULL ["_location:protected"]=> NULL ["_style:protected"]=> NULL ["_use:protected"]=> NULL ["_login:protected"]=> NULL ["_password:protected"]=> NULL ["_proxy_host:protected"]=> NULL ["_proxy_port:protected"]=> NULL ["_proxy_login:protected"]=> NULL ["_proxy_password:protected"]=> NULL ["_local_cert:protected"]=> NULL ["_passphrase:protected"]=> NULL ["_compression:protected"]=> NULL ["_connection_timeout:protected"]=> NULL ["_stream_context:protected"]=> NULL ["_features:protected"]=> NULL ["_cache_wsdl:protected"]=> NULL ["_user_agent:protected"]=> NULL ["_wsdl:protected"]=> string(58) "https://api.mindbodyonline.com/0_5/ClientService.asmx?WSDL" ["_soapClient:protected"]=> NULL ["_lastMethod:protected"]=> string(0) "" ["_soapInputHeaders:protected"]=> array(0) { } ["_permanentSoapInputHeaders:protected"]=> array(0) { } ["_soapOutputHeaders:protected"]=> array(0) { } }

I'm not sure what the values should be but all those NULLs look bad to me. I have tried different combinations of nesting the arrays passed to $client->GetClients and I've tried accessing different functions other than GetClients as well..

Это было полезно?


Okay so for anyone who happens to google this and wants the answer. You have to add a user-agent string to your page headers in order to make it work with the API for some reason. Add this code to the top of your PHP page

ini_set("user_agent", "FOOBAR");

then you need to create a Zend_Soap_Client with soap_version set to SOAP_1_1. Create an array of the parameters you are going to send. Then call the function you want and in this case you pass in a array ( "Reqest"=>$params )

$client = new Zend_Soap_Client('https://api.mindbodyonline.com/0_5/ClientService.asmx?WSDL', array("soap_version"=>SOAP_1_1));
$sourceCredentials = array('SourceName'=>'****', 'Password'=>"****", 'SiteIDs'=>array('****'));
$params = array("SourceCredentials"=>$sourceCredentials, "XMLDetail"=>"Basic", "PageSize"=>"10", "CurrentPageIndex"=>"0", "ClientIDs"=>array("123456789","123456789"));
$result = $client->GetClients(array("Request"=>$params));

EDIT: For more information check out the article I'm writing on how to get started with the MINDBODY API in under 30 minutes

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