
I have placed a textbox widget inside grid cell by using formatter. However, I cannot move my cursor around nor select text inside the textbox.

E.g. http://jsfiddle.net/g33m9/69/

Does anyone know how to fix this?


Это было полезно?


You need to set the column as 'editable' so that the Grid component will know how to handle keypressed events. So a modification to the layout is in order


var layout = [[
        {name: 'Column 1', field: 'col1'},
        {name: 'Column 2', field: 'col2', width:'200px', formatter: func}


var layout = [[
        {name: 'Column 1', field: 'col1'},
        {name: 'Column 2', field: 'col2', width:'200px', formatter: func, editable: true}

Edit state activates by doubleclick.

Now, OP wants it to be a fully bloated widget, popping up in the editable state. For this to be scaleable up with any number of rows/columns i will restrict this to the edit state, so that the value simply shows text but once double-clicked it will pop a FilteringSelect. Same principle goes with the dijit widget ValidationTextBox.

Currently (1.7.2) the possible celltypes are: dojox.grid.cells.Bool dojox.grid.cells.ComboBox dojox.grid.cells.DateTextBox dojox.grid.cells.Select

Catch me SEO:

example of custom dojox.grid cellType widget - semi-programmatic

First step - create some data

var i = 0,
data = {
    identifier: 'id',
    items: [
      { id: i, value: 'val'+i++},
      { id: i, value: 'val'+i++},
      { id: i, value: 'val'+i++},
      { id: i, value: 'val'+i++}
// The item label which holds visible value and which holds the value to represent
searchAttr = 'value',
valueAttr = data.identifier,
// The store to use for select widget
store = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore({ data: data }),
// And the options, reassembling the valid options we will present in dropdown
// Used when cellType is dojox.grid.cells.Select to name the allowable options
options = [];
dojo.forEach(data.items, function(it) { options.push(it[searchAttr])});

Tricky part - Define a cellType

Lets extend the existing dojox.grid.cells.Cell, it has two key features - an edit-state-formatter and the default-formatter. The default would work just fine. Last but not least, we'll override the '_finish' function allthough allow the Cell to process its own definition too.

var whenIdle = function( /*inContext, inMethod, args ...*/ ) {
    setTimeout(dojo.hitch.apply(dojo, arguments), 0);

var FilteringSelectCell = declare("dojox.grid.cells.FilteringSelect", [dojox.grid.cells.Cell], {
    options: null,
    values: null,

    _destroyOnRemove: true,
    constructor: function(inCell){
        this.values = this.values || this.options;

    selectMarkupFactory: function(cellData, rowIndex) {
        var h = ['<select data-dojo-type="dijit.form.FilteringSelect" id="deleteme' + rowIndex + '" name="foo">'];
        for (var i = 0, o, v;
        ((o = this.options[i]) !== undefined) && ((v = this.values[i]) !== undefined); i++) {
            v = v.replace ? v.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;') : v;
            o = o.replace ? o.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;') : o;
            h.push("<option", (cellData == v ? ' selected' : ''), ' value="' + v + '"', ">", o, "</option>");
        return h;
    textMarkupFactory: function(cellData, rowIndex) {
        return ['<input class="dojoxGridInput" id="deleteme' + rowIndex + '" data-dojo-type="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox" type="text" value="' + cellData + '">']

    // @override
    formatEditing: function(cellData, rowIndex) {

        this.needFormatNode(cellData, rowIndex);
        var h = (cellData == "W1")
            ? this.textMarkupFactory(cellData, rowIndex)
            : this.selectMarkupFactory(cellData, rowIndex);
        // a slight hack here, i had no time to figure out when the html would actually be inserted to the '<td>' so.. Use 'debugger' statement and track function to hook into
        whenIdle(function() {
            dojo.parser.parse(dojo.byId('deleteme' + rowIndex).parentNode);
            var w = dijit.byId('deleteme' + rowIndex);

        return h.join('');
    // clean up avoiding multiple widget definitions 'hanging'
    _finish: function(inRowIndex) {
        dijit.byId('deleteme' + inRowIndex).destroy();
    // needed to read the value properly, will work with either variant
    getValue: function(rowIndex) {
        var n = this.getEditNode(rowIndex);
        n = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(n);
        return n.get("value");

Last bit, a new layout

var layout = [[
      { name: 'Column 1', field: 'col1' },
      { name: 'Column 2', field: 'col2', 
        cellType: FilteringSelectCell, options: options, editable: true

Running sample here http://jsfiddle.net/dgbxw/1/

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