
I've got a treeview listing files that are dropped upon it.

When I make a new treeview item, I'd like to store the address of the file as a string in that item, and retrieve it for various nefarious purposes at a later point in time.

Looking at the TVITEM structure in Microsoft docs, apparently LPARAM is the place to store a value:



A value to associate with the item.

So, I have gone ahead and done that:

tvi.mask = TVIF_TEXT;
tvi.pszText = const_cast<char *> (str0.c_str());
tvi.cchTextMax = sizeof(tvi.pszText);
tvi.lParam = (LPARAM) foo;  // SETTING LPARAM HERE, foo IS A const char * 

tvis.item = tvi;
tvis.hInsertAfter = 0;
tvis.hParent = hti0;

// Send message to update tree, and return tree item.
return TreeView_InsertItem(tvw_filelist_, &tvis);

Then, when I try to retrieve my value...

HTREEITEM htiSel = TreeView_GetSelection(tvw_filelist_);

TVITEM tvItem;
tvItem.hItem = htiSel;

TreeView_GetItem(tvw_filelist_, &tvItem);
const char * info = (const char *) tvItem.lParam;
MessageBox(NULL, info, "Alert", MB_OK);

...I just get garbage, indicating my pointer went out of scope or is taking a nap or something. The size of that pointer is always 4.

Is this the right way to do what I'm trying to do? If so, what's going on?

Это было полезно?


Of course, take the time to post a question after a long time trying to figure it out, and the answer shows up in seconds.

Turns out the TVITEM mask needs to include TVIF_PARAM, similar to this question.

If I change the above code to:

tvi.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM;

it works as expected.

I'm still not sure if this is the recommended use for LPARAM, though.

Другие советы

struct CustomTreeData
    LPSTR str;   // or even std::string to forget about memory managment
    // TODO: any other data you need
tvi.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM;

CustomTreeData* myDataPtr = new CustomTreeData;   // the memory should be free later
myDataPtr->str = stringWhatIWant;   // And don't forget to alloc memory for str!
tvi.lParam = (LPARAM) myDataPtr;

I don't check this code, but it should work. Happy coding :)

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