
I am writing a unit test for a grails controller. Here is a snippet of the code:

class MyControllerTests {

    void testController() {

Here is how the domain object looks like:

class MyDomain {
    static constraints = {
        name(nullable: false)
        parent(nullable: true)

    static belongsTo = Industry

    static hasMany = [children: Industry]

    Industry parent
    String name

The method in the controller I am testing calls this GORM dynamic method:


The test fails when execution hits this line and the exception is not making much sense to me since the @Mock annotation should have added all the dynamic methods:

groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Cannot compare com.stuff.MyDomain with value 'com.stuff.MyDomain : 1' and com.stuff.MyDomain with value 'com.stuff.MyDomain : 4'
at org.grails.datastore.mapping.simple.query.SimpleMapQuery$_executeQuery_closure63_closure155.doCall(SimpleMapQuery.groovy:78)

The controller works fine when running the grails app. Any ideas?

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Другие советы

You may mock the Industry domain object as well:

@Mock([MyDomain, Industry])
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