wkhtmltoimage Segmentation Fault (core dumped) . The error came with some particular url

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14889415

  •  09-03-2022
  •  | 




I've tried with both above wkhtml2image versions and I got same result:

"wkhtmltoimage-i386 --disable-javascript --disable-plugins http://apple.com test.jpg"

Loading page (1/2) Rendering (2/2)
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used ] 25% Segmentation fault (core dumped)

The strange thing is the plugin worked fine on some web site url such as google.com, wordpress.com, but not on some url such as: apple.com, paypal.com, linkedin.com, ....

I tried add some flags to disable javascript like some guys said on http://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/issues/detail?id=786 but it took no any effect.

My server info: CentOS 6.3. Any help is appreciated.

Это было полезно?


I install virtual X11 Server to solved this issue. The tutorial which I found is below http://tech.gluga.com/2012/09/screenshot-webpage-via-command-line.html

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