
rubocop is a code style checker for Ruby. A similar tool to rubocop, Cane, can be integrated with Rake. I prefer rubocop to Cane since rubocop makes checks based on the Ruby Style Guide and it seems to spot more problems. To automate the process of style checking I would like to integrate rubocop with Rake so that the build fails if code quality is lacking.

Gem already supports adding tests to packages via Rake. I would like to do the same with style checks so that style checks are run along with the tests. How can I do this?

If it helps to start with a Rakefile here is one:

# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: ruby -*-

require 'bundler/gem_tasks'
require 'rake/testtask'

Rake::TestTask.new do |t|
  t.libs << 'test'
  t.test_files = FileList['test/unit/test*.rb']

desc 'Run tests'
task default: :test
Это было полезно?

Решение 6

I would recommend shelling out to the rubocop program. It's the simplest solution. Just add this to your Rakefile:

task test: :rubocop

task :rubocop do
  sh 'rubocop'

Другие советы

As of version 0.10.0 rubocop contain a custom rake task that you can use. Just put the following in your Rakefile

require 'rubocop/rake_task'


Make sure to use upper-case 'R' and 'C' or you will get a NameError.

I highly recommend,

require 'rubocop/rake_task'

RuboCop::RakeTask.new(:rubocop) do |t|
  t.options = ['--display-cop-names']

This uses the rubocop's own rake tasks and allows you to pass options if you like.

You will probably find https://github.com/yujinakayama/guard-rubocop useful if you use Guard for your RSpec tests. It enables Rubocop to give you instant feedback as soon as you save the file, along with your test results.

I needed to do something similar myself, and ended up looking in the internal source code of the RuboCop::RakeTask here:


      require 'rubocop'

      cli = CLI.new
      puts 'Running RuboCop...' if verbose
      result = cli.run(options)
      abort('RuboCop failed!') if result.nonzero? && fail_on_error

You can actually invoke similar code directly in your own codebase / rake task.

I ended up writing a little wrapper module I can call to, with some default flags that I always want to be applied:

module RubocopCli
  def self.run!(*args)
    require "rubocop"
    cli = RuboCop::CLI.new
    result = cli.run(["--display-cop-names", "--force-exclusion", "--fail-level", "autocorrect", *args])
    raise "RubocopCli.run! Linting failed." if result.nonzero?

Then you can call it with additional args from any task, or app code, like:

files_to_lint = %w[lib/whatever.rb spec/lib/whatever_spec.rb]
RubocopCli.run!("--auto-correct", *files_to_lint)

You can shell out via Rake with the options you prefer:

  desc 'Run Rubocop with options'
  task rubocop: :environment do
    sh 'bundle exec rubocop -D --format offenses --format progress || true'

I then recommend modifying the default task to include the output. The trick is to clear the task and then add back what you want. Note the need to end with || true so that an error from Rubocop will not prevent the next task from running. Here's what I do, which also uses parallel tests:

task(:default).clear.enhance ['parallel:parallel_prepare', 'parallel:spec',
                              'parallel:features', 'lint:rubocop',
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