
I have three tables:

    id bigint PRIMARY KEY,
    name text NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE foo_bar (
    id bigint PRIMARY KEY,
    foo_id bigint NOT NULL

    name text NOT NULL,
    target_id bigint NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (name, target_id)

I'm trying to create a view such that I get all of the fields of table foo, the count of items in foo_bar where foo.id = foo_bar.foo_id, and a text array of all tags where foo.id = tag.target_id. If we have:

INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, 'one');
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (2, 'two');
INSERT INTO foo_bar VALUES (1, 1);
INSERT INTO foo_bar VALUES (2, 1);
INSERT INTO foo_bar VALUES (3, 2);
INSERT INTO foo_bar VALUES (4, 1);
INSERT INTO foo_bar VALUES (5, 2);
INSERT INTO tag VALUES ('a', 1);
INSERT INTO tag VALUES ('b', 1);
INSERT INTO tag VALUES ('c', 2);

The result should return:

foo.id    | foo.name     | count       | array_agg
1         | one          | 3           | {a, b}
2         | two          | 2           | {c}

This is what I have so far:

SELECT DISTINCT f.id, f.name, COUNT(b.id), array_agg(t.name)
FROM foo AS f, foo_bar AS b, tag AS t
WHERE f.id = t.target_id AND f.id = b.foo_id
GROUP BY f.id, b.id;

These are the results I'm getting (note the count is incorrect):

foo.id    | foo.name     | count       | array_agg
1         | one          | 2           | {a, b}
2         | two          | 1           | {c}

The count is always the count of tags instead of the count of distinct foo_bar values. I've tried reordering/modifying the GROUP BY and the SELECT clauses which returns different results but not the ones that I'm looking for. I think I'm having trouble with the array_agg() function, but I'm not sure if that's the case or how to resolve it.

Это было полезно?


SELECT f.id, f.name, b.fb_ct, t.tag_names
FROM   foo f
    SELECT foo_id AS id, count(*) AS fb_ct
    FROM   foo_bar
    GROUP  BY 1
    ) b USING (id)
    SELECT target_id AS id, array_agg(name) AS tag_names
    FROM   tag
    GROUP  BY 1
    ) t USING (id)
ORDER  BY f.id;

Produces the desired result.

  • Rewrite with explicit JOIN syntax. Makes it so much easier to read and understand (and debug).

  • By joining to multiple 1:n related tables, rows would multiply each other producing a Cartesian product - which is very expensive nonsense. It's an unintended CROSS JOIN by proxy. Related:

  • To avoid this, join at most one n-table to the 1-table before you aggregate (GROUP BY). You could aggregate two times, but it's cleaner and faster to aggregate n-tables separately before joining them to the 1-table.

  • As opposed to your original (with implicit INNER JOIN). I use LEFT JOIN to avoid losing rows from foo that have no matching row in foo_bar or tag.

  • Once the unintended CROSS JOIN is removed from the query, there is no need for adding DISTINCT any more - assuming that foo.id is unique.

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