Same Rebus handler instance for multiple messages within a Unit of Work


  •  29-03-2022
  •  | 


I wish to process related messages in a batch e.g. processing the events CustomerCreated and PreferredCustomer with the same handler (same instance) within the same scope/transaction using the Rebus service bus.

The same handler is handling both messages/events:

class CustomerHandler : IHandleMessages<CustomerCreated>, IHandleMessages<PreferredCustomer>
    Customer Customer { get; set; }

    public CustomerHandler() {
        Customer = new Customer();

    public void Handle(CustomerCreated message) {
        Customer.Name = message.Name;

    public void Handle(PreferredCustomer message) {
        Customer.Rebate = message.Rebate;

When sending the messages I use the batch operation (transport messages in NServiceBus)

  new CustomerCreated() { Name = "Anders" }, 
  new PreferredCustomer() { Rebate = 10 });

To control the lifetime of the handler, I use Windsor Castle’s Scoped lifestyle

  Component.For<IHandleMessages<CustomerCreated>, IHandleMessages<PreferredCustomer>>)

And a custom UnitOfWorkManager that instanciates the ScopedUnitOfWork

class CustomUnitOfWorkManager : IUnitOfWorkManager
    private readonly IWindsorContainer _container;

    public CustomUnitOfWorkManager(IWindsorContainer container) {
        _container = container;

    public IUnitOfWork Create() {
        return new ScopedUnitOfWork(_container);

class ScopedUnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
    private readonly IDisposable _scope;

    public ScopedUnitOfWork(IWindsorContainer container) {
        // Begin transaction
        _scope = container.BeginScope();


    public void Dispose() {

    public void Commit() {
        // Commit transaction

    public void Abort() {
        // Rollback transaction            

Finally configured Rebus to use the CustomUnitOfWorkManager

var bus = Configure.With(new WindsorContainerAdapter(_container))
  .Transport(t => t.UseMsmqAndGetInputQueueNameFromAppConfig())
  .MessageOwnership(d => d.FromRebusConfigurationSection())
  .Events(x => x.AddUnitOfWorkManager(new CustomUnitOfWorkManager(_container)))

Is this the correct approach?

My limited testing shows that this should work. I am even able to expand this to include transaction management against the data store within the ScopedUnitOfWork too.

Это было полезно?


Sounds like you have it nailed :)

If you get the correct commit/rollback behavior, then I'd say it's fine and dandy.

If you're interested in an alternative, you might want to take a look at the PerTransportMessage Castle Windsor scope accessor - it can be used like this:


which should be able to achieve the exact same behavior.

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