
My problem is to extract in the most efficient way N Poisson random values (RV) each with a different mean/rate Lam. Basically the size(RV) == size(Lam).

Here it is a naive (very slow) implementation:

import numpy as NP

def multi_rate_poisson(Lam):
    rv = NP.zeros(NP.size(Lam))
    for i,lam in enumerate(Lam):
        rv[i] = NP.random.poisson(lam=lam, size=1)
    return rv

That, on my laptop, with 1e6 samples gives:

Lam = NP.random.rand(1e6) + 1
timeit multi_poisson(Lam)
1 loops, best of 3: 4.82 s per loop

Is it possible to improve from this?

Это было полезно?


Although the docstrings don't document this functionality, the source indicates it is possible to pass an array to the numpy.random.poisson function.

>>> import numpy
>>> # 1 dimension array of 1M random var's uniformly distributed between 1 and 2
>>> numpyarray = numpy.random.rand(1e6) + 1 
>>> # pass to poisson
>>> poissonarray = numpy.random.poisson(lam=numpyarray)
>>> poissonarray
array([4, 2, 3, ..., 1, 0, 0])

The poisson random variable returns discrete multiples of one, and approximates a bell curve as lambda grows beyond one.

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot
>>> count, bins, ignored = matplotlib.pyplot.hist(
                    lam=numpy.random.rand(1e6) + 10), 
                    14, normed=True)
>>> matplotlib.pyplot.show()

This method of passing the array to the poisson generator appears to be quite efficient.

>>> timeit.Timer("numpy.random.poisson(lam=numpy.random.rand(1e6) + 1)",
                 'import numpy').repeat(3,1)
[0.13525915145874023, 0.12136101722717285, 0.12127304077148438]
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