Vim Syntastic: How to find out which syntax checker is currently in use?


  •  30-05-2022
  •  | 


I would like to change a setting or edit a line of code in the Python syntax checker, but Syntastic comes with five of them. How can I find out which one is in use?

Это было полезно?


Syntastic has a built-in function for this. I believe which syntax checkers are available depend on your system.


Syntastic info for filetype: python
Available checkers: python
Currently active checker(s): python
Press ENTER or type command to continue

Другие советы

Frustratingly there doesn't seem to be a direct way to return the available checkers as a vim script string or list. Wrote this function that uses :redir to do so:

function! s:syntastic_checkers(...)
  redir => output
  silent SyntasticInfo
  redir END
  let result=split(output, "\n")
  let checkers=split(split(result[-2], ':')[-1], '\s\+')
  if checkers[0]=='-'
    let checkers=[]
    call extend(checkers, split(split(result[-1], ':')[-1], '\s\+')[:1])
  if a:0 "just echo the result
    echo 'Checkers: '.join(checkers, ', ')
    return checkers
command! SyntasticCheckers

Call it with any argument to print a list of checkers, and call it without any arguments to return a vim list of checkers, plus the current checker in the final position of the list.

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