
Is there a safe way to "convert" a CGFloat to a NSNumber ?

NSNumber has the numberWithFloat: and numberWithDouble: methods but CGFloat being defined as float or double depending on the platform, it seems risky to use either one of them.

Or is numberWithDouble: safe to use with a CGFloat, as it is the one with the more precision ?

Это было полезно?


I believe @ NSNumber literal is good enough


Read more here: http://clang.llvm.org/docs/ObjectiveCLiterals.html

Другие советы

This is how I handled it:

@interface NSNumber (CGFloatAdditions)

+ (NSNumber*)numberWithCGFloat: (CGFloat)value;
- (CGFloat)CGFloatValue;


@implementation NSNumber (CGFloatAdditions)

+ (NSNumber*)numberWithCGFloat: (CGFloat)value
    return [NSNumber numberWithDouble: (double)value];
    return [NSNumber numberWithFloat: value];

- (CGFloat)CGFloatValue
    return [self doubleValue];
    return [self floatValue];


CGFLOAT_IS_DOUBLE is defined in CGBase.h conditionally by platform.

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