
I took a custom binding from Freeman's Pro Javascript for WebApps which basically adds a prefix and/or suffix to an attribute

ko.bindingHandlers.formatAttr = {
    init: function(element, accessor) {
        $(element).attr(accessor().attr, composeString(accessor()));
    update: function(element, accessor) {
        $(element).attr(accessor().attr, composeString(accessor()));

Using this javascript function

function composeString(bindingConfig) {
    var result = bindingConfig.value;
    if (bindingConfig.prefix) {
        result = bindingConfig.prefix + result;
    if (bindingConfig.suffix) {
        result += bindingConfig.suffix;
    return result;

It works fine as for example

<input data-bind="formatAttr: { attr: 'id', prefix: 'InterestedParty_', suffix: '__Id', value: $data.Guid }" type="hidden"/>

But how could I achieve to make it work for two different attributes in the same input? I've tried some things but either fails or just take the last one. I could create one custom one for each property but then I would lose the generality of it.


Это было полезно?


You can extend your binding handler with the help of some jQuery to work also with arrays:

ko.bindingHandlers.formatAttr = {
    init: function(element, accessor) {
        var value = accessor();
        if (!$.isArray(value))
            value = [value]

        $.each(value, function(index, item){
            $(element).attr(item.attr, composeString(item));

    update: function(element, accessor) {
        var value = accessor();
        if (!$.isArray(value))
            value = [value]

       $.each(value, function(index, item){
            $(element).attr(item.attr, composeString(item));

So now you can pass an array of { attr, prefix, suffix, value } object as a parameter to your binding:

<input data-bind="formatAttr: [
   { attr: 'id', prefix: 'InterestedParty_', suffix: '__Id', value: $data.Guid },
   { attr: 'name', prefix: 'Other_', suffix: '__Name', value: $data.Name }]"
   type="hidden" />

Demo JSFiddle.

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