
I have IBM DOORS installed on Windows 7 64-bit. When I run the DOORS DXL function tempFileName() I get \ instead of something like C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp. I've googled this problem but don't see anything about the issue. Anyone have an idea?

Some sample code demonstrating the problem is...

string productDetailsFile = tempFileName()
print "productDetailsFile = " productDetailsFile "\n"
if(canOpenFile(productDetailsFile, true))
print "Can write to file\n"
Stream out = write productDetailsFile
out << "Created by " doorsname " at " dateAndTime today ""   
if (null out)
    print "Could not create file " productDetailsFile ""
flush out
close out
string directory = getDirOf (productDetailsFile)
print "directory = " directory "\n"
string newFileName = directory NLS_("\\") NLS_("DOORS_") doorsInfo(infoVersion) (NLS_(".xml_new"))
print "newFileName = " newFileName "\nAttempting to rename now\n"
string errorMsg = renameFile(productDetailsFile, newFileName)
if (!null errorMsg)
    print "Rename failed with error - " errorMsg "\nTrying with modified file name now\n"
    newFileName = directory NLS_("DOORS_") doorsInfo(infoVersion) (NLS_(".xml_new"))
    print "newFileName = " newFileName "\nAttempting to rename now\n"
    errorMsg = renameFile(productDetailsFile, newFileName)
    if(!null errorMsg)
        print "Still fails. Stopping script now, please send the DXL Output to Support"
     print "Rename successful"
Это было полезно?


The root cause was that the computer running DOORs had a "System variable" of TEMP set to C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Local\Temp and there were no "User variables" set for TEMP.

To get the function working:

  1. The "System variable" for TEMP was changed to "%SystemRoot%\TEMP"
  2. Created another "System variable" called "TMP" and set it to "%SystemRoot%\TEMP" as well.
  3. Created 2 "User variables": TEMP and TMP and set those to "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp".
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