
Assume I have the following decimal number that I have to format so that every thousand should be separated with a space:

 897.11 to 897.11
 1897.11 to 1 897.11
 12897.11 to 12 897.11
 123897.11 to 123 897.11

I have tried Decimal.ToString("0 000.00"). Although this works pretty well when the number is 1897.11. But when it's 897.11 I get 0 897.11.

Это было полезно?


Pass in a custom NumberFormatInfo with a custom NumberGroupSeparator property, and use the #,# format to tell it to do number groups. This example uses the invariant culture's number format as its basis.

var nfi = (NumberFormatInfo)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat.Clone();
nfi.NumberGroupSeparator = " ";
string formatted = 1234897.11m.ToString("#,0.00", nfi); // "1 234 897.11"

Другие советы

You need a custom number format provider where you change the character yourself:

    static void Main(string[] args)
        decimal d = 2000000;

        var f = new NumberFormatInfo {NumberGroupSeparator = " "};

        var s = d.ToString("n", f); // 2 000 000.00

Here I also specify to format it as a number (using "n"), please see this link for other formatting options:

Standard Numeric Format Strings

In this case, it won't work if you format as a currency or a percentage, because as you may already note the NumberFormatInfo has separate properties for those.

The current culture format info can be found on System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.

try this

int testNumber = 134566548;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0:N}", testNumber));

You will received : 134 566 548,00

Don't forget your culture.

with a custom format string, but use '#' not '0's a 0 is a mandatory token it will be there no matter how long the number is, the pound sign (#) is optional token, it will only be used for digits actually in the number.

  Decimal.ToString("# ###.00")  

NOTE. I'll leave this here, but @Tim S' answer is a better one.

When I try this I see it only generates the first separator... I guess the separator only works for commas and periods here. As a workaround (up to the maximum size number you expect), try this instead.

  Decimal.ToString("# ### ### ### ###.00")  

Sweden Use thousand separator as Space(" ") and Decimal point separator as Comma(,). We can achieve this in the following way.

decimal myNumbber = 5878.476M;
var swedishCulture = new CultureInfo("sv-SE");           
swedishCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ",";
swedishCulture.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator = " ";
var s = myNumbber.ToString("#,###.00", swedishCulture);

Which gives the output

"5 878,48"

Norwegian locale uses spaces as a separator, so if you were designing a website or application specifically for Norwegians, then you could use:

(123897.11).ToString("n",new CultureInfo("nb-NO"))

Which results in

"123 897,11"

Obviously, if you're not writing an application for the Norwegian market, then this would be a silly solution.

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