
(Raised issue https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/issues/4659)

I got GitLab 5.4 using Bitnami Stack 5.4.0-0

In this version there's no way to create user without configuring mail server. (In other words 5.4.0-0 is not ready to use out of box)

Password A temporary password will be generated and sent to user. User will be forced to change it after first sign in

Where to configure what mail server use for GitLab open source git server?

UPDATE: GitLab 5.4 Installation instruction doesn't mention how to configure connection to mail server, but just how to install Postfix

**Note:** In order to receive mail notifications, make sure to install a
mail server. By default, Debian is shipped with exim4 whereas Ubuntu
does not ship with one. The recommended mail server is postfix and you can install it with:

    sudo apt-get install -y postfix 

Then select 'Internet Site' and press enter to confirm the hostname.

UPDATE 2: Running sudo apt-get install -y postfix on Bitnami Ubuntu gets

Package postfix is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source

E: Package 'postfix' has no installation candidate

UPDATE 3: sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:env:info RAILS_ENV=production output

[33mSystem information[0m
System:     Debian wheezy/sid
Current User:   git
Using RVM:  no
Ruby Version:   1.9.3p448
Gem Version:    1.8.24
Bundler Version:1.3.5
Rake Version:   10.0.3

[33mGitLab information[0m
Version:    5.4.0
Revision:   94a814d
Directory:  /opt/bitnami/apps/gitlab/htdocs
DB Adapter: mysql2
URL:        http://gitlab.funshion.com/gitlab
HTTP Clone URL: http://gitlab.funshion.com/gitlab/some-project.git
SSH Clone URL:  git@gitlab.funshion.com:some-project.git
Using LDAP: [32myes[0m
Using Omniauth: no

[33mGitLab Shell[0m
Version:    1.7.0
Repositories:   /opt/bitnami/apps/gitlab/repositories/
Hooks:      /opt/bitnami/apps/gitlab/gitlab-shell/hooks/
Git:        /opt/bitnami/git/bin/git

UPDATE 4: Actually user password can be set if to open the user page again.

Это было полезно?


We suggest to configure the application to use an external SMTP mail server for sending the emails. If you are using a Cloud image there are limitations for sending emails from the instance itself https://aws-portal.amazon.com/gp/aws/html-forms-controller/contactus/ec2-email-limit-rdns-request In any case, you can send emails from the application if you install "sendmail" in the machine.

There is a quick guide to know how to configure GitLab with GMail or any other email provider easily at http://wiki.bitnami.com/Applications/BitNami_GitLab#How_to_configure_the_email_settings_of_GitLab.3f I hope it helps.

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