
I have a view, NOT the size of the window, nor the window itself, and when it resizes, I want to compare the beginning and the ending value of the resize. JQ-UI's resize ui object however includes only the previous state, not original, so it is only grabbing the changes by pixels (albeit I think that is because I am putting the code in the resize function, and not the end function, but that isn't the real problem, as I could solve it once I know how to get the var back to the Backbone View itself). How do I get the info from within the resize back to the backbone view? self is the global window object, and this is the JQuery result from the selector of this.el.

define([ ... ], function( ... ){
  return Backbone.View.extend({
    // I also tried to use the event handlers from backbone
    events : {
      'resize' : 'info'
    initialize: function(options){
      if (options) { ... }
        this.el = '#measure-rep-c55';
      //Dispatch listeners
      this.model.bind('change', _.bind(this.render, this));
      $(this.el).on('resize', this.info);  // Here I am trying to attach the listener here according the API

    info: function(){
      console.log('in info')
    render: function(){ 
      ... //template and other stuff

      // JQ-UI resizable
        aspectRatio: true,
        start: function(e, ui) {
            // alert('resizing started');
        resize: function( event, ui ) {
          // in here self = window
          // and this is the JQuery object
          var oldW = ui.originalSize.width;
          var newW = ui.size.width;
          var deltaWidth = newW - oldW;
          var deltaRatio = deltaWidth/oldW;
          //HOW TO SEND info (in this case var deltaRatio) back to the backbone view
          //I tried getting to the function info() so that I could access the View itself from there
        stop: function(e, ui) {
            // alert('resizing stopped');
Это было полезно?


Don't create the listeners from within the resizable call, use the events hash to listen for the changes, then you have direct access to your view from the callbacks.

events : {
  'resizestart' : 'start',
  'resizestop' : 'stop',
  'resize' : 'resize'

render: function(){ 
  ... //template and other stuff

  // JQ-UI resizable
    aspectRatio: true

start: function(e, ui) {
        // alert('resizing started');
resize: function( event, ui ) {
      // this is the View
      var oldW = ui.originalSize.width;
      var newW = ui.size.width;
      var deltaWidth = newW - oldW;
      var deltaRatio = deltaWidth/oldW;
 stop: function(e, ui) {
    // alert('resizing stopped');

Другие советы

You can use underscore to bind the view's 'this' to the event functions, which will give you access to the view itself. I typically separate the function bodies into their own functions like this:

render: function() { 
    aspectRatio: true,
    start: _.bind(this.didStart, this),
    resize: _.bind(this.didResize, this),
    end: _.bind(this.didEnd, this)

didStart: function() {

didResize: function() {

didEnd: function() {
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