
I tried this for many hours and I keep arriving at log(logn) (where log is base 2) but this does not agree with Masters Theorem which maintains it would be just log(n).

هل كانت مفيدة؟


Master's Theorem doesn't apply here, as we aren't dividing the input by a constant at each step. Your answer is correct.

نصائح أخرى

In order to apply the Master Theorem, we have to be dividing by a constant at each step. We can still use it in this case, but we have to transform the problem.

Let k=log n, where the logarithm is base b, and define S(k)=T(b^k). Then S(k)=T(b^k)=T(n)=T(n^{1/2})+1=T((b^k)^{1/2})+1=T(b^{k/2})+1=S(k/2)+1, and we can apply the Master theorem to S, which tells us that S(k)=Theta(log k). Therefore, T(n)=T(b^{log n})=S(log n)=Theta(log(log n)), as you found.

People correctly suggested you that masters theorem does not work here. To solve your problem you have to start unrolling the recursion: enter image description here.

The recursion will at some point stop, so we have to find a reasonable stopping point. Trying 0, 1, 2, you can see that 2 looks good, because you can easily solve the equation: enter image description here.

Solving it, you get enter image description here.

So the recursion will continue log(log(n)) times and this is your time complexity.

P.S. a little bit harder recurrence was solved here.

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